• 1simpletailer@startrek.website
    8 months ago

    Serious answer. TNG has a lot of shit like this. Leftover plot hooks that completely lack follow-up. Far too many to wrap up in one season of modern prestige TV.

    It's just how TV was back then. You wrap the story up in 45 mins. Maybe some things get revisited, if the writers and producers don't forget about them and the actor is available. Serialized stories were the exception not the rule back then.

    Honestly I feel like this makes the Star Trek universe seem bigger. Every character has a lot going on and not everything that happens to them revolves around one storyline. There's a whole galaxy out there full of things constantly happening! A lot of these would be followed up in books. Iirc it's mentioned in one that Worf and Jeremy exchange letters regularly and he does visit on occasion. We just accept that this happens off-screen because Worf has a life beyond the brief glimpses into it we see. Modern TV is too tidy, with everything tied to one or two storylines and everything being wrapped up tidily with maybe one or two cliffhangers. It makes fictional settings cough Star Wars cough seem small and insuler.

    • BearOfaTime@lemm.ee
      8 months ago

      Modern TV is too tidy, with everything tied to one or two storylines and everything being wrapped up tidily with maybe one or two cliffhangers. It makes fictional settings cough Star Wars cough seem small and insuler.

      Well put.

      TV before streaming (notably the last ten years), episodes stood alone. You may get a little continuity in the characters, but not in story arcs.

      This made it all a (as you put it so well) a "glimpse into each character's life", leaving the viewer the opportunity to ponder "what else is/could there be", which I find far more satisfying than having the answer provided for me.

      I must say, I see this as significantly a generational difference (with some personality difference in there too, I know a few boomers who like the tidy story approach).

  • EnsignRedshirt [he/him]
    8 months ago

    Didn't he go back to Earth to live with his human relatives? My guess would be that Worf would be his eccentric uncle/cousin who came to town every now and again to take him hunting and tell him war stories. Plus the Rozhenkos are on Earth, so I'd imagine Worf would ask that they keep in touch with him, too. I bet that, aside from the trauma in this episode, he probably had a pleasant and uncomplicated life on Earth, but he could tell kids at school that he was also a member of a Klingon family and they'd have to believe him or else his Klingon crew would have to show up to defend his honor. That would be rad, imo.