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    9 months ago

    The Lord Mayor claims James Mackay would have "won easily" had he not chosen to step down as Councillor for Walter Taylor Ward.

    Pretty hard to believe, considering his area overlaps with the Maiwar state electorate, and Ryan federal division, both of which are held by the Greens. The 2020 Walter Taylor result was fairly close between Greens and LNP, and the trend has seemingly been in the Greens' favour.

    The new councillor being approved is a "true blue liberal", according to the Lord Mayor.

    Earlier, Councillor Johnston made reference to the claim that she is not actually local to the Walter Taylor area.

      9 months ago

      Cr Johnston says (in not quite so many words) "good riddance" to James Mackay. She calls out his misogyny. From when he was blowing raspberries at her, to repeatedly turning his back every time she spoke, to a frightening incident shortly after he started where he seemed to be stalking her in the Town Hall carpark.