About 10 months ago I posted this thread saying that it would be useful for the fediverse to consider post once, share everywhere paradigms: https://lemmy.ml/post/641509

And now we have The Verge writers saying similar things: https://www.theverge.com/2023/10/23/23928550/posse-posting-activitypub-standard-twitter-tumblr-mastodon

Maybe worth re-considering.

  • Deebster@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    This isn't a Fediverse-specific topic, that I can see. This is something that's fairly trivial to do - there's already services that will post to multiple channels ("social media management tools" seems to be best search term). In these ten months you could have written one yourself!

    Also, the main point of POSSE seems to be that you control your own domain and space online, and everything else points back to that. That assumes that your main way of communicating is via publishing chunks of content, of course, which is patently not true. It also assumes that everyone's way more technical than they are - plenty of people call their browser "the internet" and would glaze over the second you started talking about domain names, etc.

      • Deebster@lemmy.ml
        11 months ago

        My point is that social media management tools already exist, so why do you think the Fediverse needs to "consider it"? I don't understand what you're expecting.