If we defederate from everyone and go full juche then all the instances we did federated with will slide back into liberalism once we are gone. Our influence is a positive one for the fediverse, we get the most upvotes, we have the most posts, trump-anguish we have the best users don’t we folks?

We should take some note from the Reddit power mods, a small group of 20 or so mods control every notable subreddit on that site, they wield immense power. I think hexbear should make an effort to take over moderation teams of other instances using the hostile takeover tactics the Reddit mods used. I think we should do to their moderation teams what Stalin did to the polish officers.

Hexbear should threaten defederating with some instances unless they give us moderation access, hexbear should start interfering in other instances internal politics and try to get comrades on the inside, hexbear should create new instances in the fediverse to compete with existing instances for their users.

Our goal is communism and this would be praxis.

  • HornyOnMain
    11 months ago

    if you're going to post bait constantly with a week old account, make better bait

    btw, pretty please can i get a picture of garfield next to my name in the MeanwhileOnGrad screenshot Goat?