This shit sucks ass

  • Palacegalleryratio [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Hi man, quitting was really hard for me. For what it’s worth I moved to a vape, which is just as addictive but i justified it as less harmful. Vaping allowed me to kick cigarettes which I would have struggled to do cold turkey. Then I encouraged my friends to bully/mock me for vaping and the social pressure got me to quit vaping in public, then after I was able to quit in private too over time. It’s hard. Nicotine and the habits it forms are strong and it gets its claws into you. Be kind to yourself. If you have a lapse and smoke a cigarette when out at a bar or whatever, don’t beat yourself up, don’t feel like you have to relapse fully. It’s a blip, a road bump on your journey to quitting fully.