Device: Thinkpad E470

Distro: Xubuntu 18.04.5 LTS

Theme: Arc-Darker

Icons: Arc x

De: Xfce 4.12

Wm: Xfwm

Terminal: Xfce4-terminal

Panel: Xfce4-panel

Shell: Bash

Editor: Atom

Wallpaper color: #E5B680

Font: Ubuntu Light - size 10

Image Viewer: Feh

Open image: Samantha De Reviziis

Firefox: Userchrome.css

All necessary info such as time, date, ram & cpu is displayed with conky. I have conky set to output to the terminal & show only when I press a keybinding. Everything realted to my conky config can be found "here" & "here" on my github dots repo....