I used to run R/BrisbaneTrains on spez's bullshit playground. Wondering if I can run it here.

  • Nath@aussie.zone
    8 months ago

    I tried to make this last night on the phone, but it didn't work. Lemmy is a bit finicky with the "Language" field of a community.

    I'll make this for you when I get in front of a computer.

    Edit: the problem wasn't the language field. It was the name. Community names only support lower-case, and I copied/pasted BrisbaneTrains from here. It didn't work, but the error wasn't visible on the small screen because I'd scrolled too far down.

  • Baku@aussie.zone
    8 months ago

    Great to see some more train communities popping up! I'll admit I don't know much about Brissy's public transport network, but if I see any interesting articles I'll give 'em a share!