
  • Water Bowl
    11 months ago

    Worth noting that this is hidden towards the end (emphasis mine):

    Reaffirms that a just and lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can only be achieved by peaceful means, based on the relevant United Nations resolutions and in accordance with international law, and on the basis of the two -State solution

    Pretty fucked up that the UN's response to genocide and colonialism is to call for a timeout

      11 months ago

      It will take Palestinian resistance violence to make Israel view "peaceful means" as something they'd wish to pursue. Pretty sure that is what happened with the Oslo accords, which conceded and somewhat "legitimised" Israeli claim to stolen Palestinian land in the eyes of the world. Israel then took a massive shit on that "peaceful means", and that is the only reason why the UN can only keep harping on about a two state solution fucking several decades after it was supposed to be implemented.