Luisa Capetillo, born on this day in 1879, was a Puerto Rican labor organizer, feminist, and Christian anarchist. Capetillo advocated for women's suffrage, was arrested for wearing pants in public, and helped raise the minimum wage.

As a labor activist, Capetillo organized workers throughout the United States, worked as a reporter for the FLT (Federacion Libre de Trabajadores), and traveled throughout Puerto Rico, educating and organizing women. Her hometown, Arecibo, became the most unionized area of the country.

Capetillo is considered to be one of Puerto Rico's first suffragists. In 1908, during the FLT convention, Capetillo asked the union to approve a policy for women's suffrage, insisting that all women should have the same right to vote as men. Along with other labor activists, she also helped pass a minimum wage law in the Puerto Rican Legislature.

Today, Capetillo is perhaps best known for being arrested for wearing pants in public, although the charges against her were later dropped.

In 2014, the Legislative Assembly of Puerto Rico honored Capetillo, along with eleven other women, with plaques in the "La Plaza en Honor a la Mujer Puertorriqueña" (Plaza in Honor of Puerto Rican Women).

Capetillo, Luisa - a biography anarchy

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  • Commiejones [comrade/them, he/him]
    8 months ago

    Embrace the absurdity. Laugh at the absurdity. Life is a meaningless struggle to survive and procreate. The entirety of the universe is a pointless expression of chaos resulting in order and order resulting in chaos. Everything is always doing the unexpected and moving towards higher complexity in an attempt to create something new. Even the universe is just doing what it is driven to do because it cant figure out what else to do. Its incredibly depressing to the point of absurdity, so just laugh at it. Its more enjoyable than crying and by laughing in the face of depressing pointlessness you win.

    • M68040 [they/them]
      8 months ago

      Oh yeah, I like dicking around with electronics a lot but the pressure they put on me - even indirectly - is enough to refill me with that existential dread. I'm trapped in a small enough box without their shit