This includes the entire Servo team which was working on its next generation web engine that was supposed to be Firefox's ticket to staying afloat in the future. Servo also popularized the Rust language afaik

Aside from Servo, they also axed the entire threat management team, because why would a browser need threat detection and incident response, amirite?

Relevant links:

  • Bloodshot [he/him,any]
    4 years ago

    They all ultimately use Chromium/WebKit to render. They're not really independent.

    Konqueror can be configured to use KHTML, I recommend you try it to see how it looks. It isn't really compatible with most sites in 2020.

    • shyamalamadingdong [he/him]
      4 years ago

      yeah I'm aware. Also isn't Konqueror dead? Afaik the browser that KDE develop now is Falkon.

      Also I believe Midori and PM/Basilisk have their own engines but they also inherit the compatibility issues that comes with that.