This includes the entire Servo team which was working on its next generation web engine that was supposed to be Firefox's ticket to staying afloat in the future. Servo also popularized the Rust language afaik

Aside from Servo, they also axed the entire threat management team, because why would a browser need threat detection and incident response, amirite?

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  • mayor_pete_buttigieg [she/her]
    4 years ago

    IMO this just makes the Linux desktop more important.

    We may soon have a tech world where the majority of apps are written specifically for a Google platform, imagine Chromium + Fuschia. Most users will have little ability to create content, or access the internet, besides consuming corporate media. If we want technology that can benefit independent creators, radical movements, and decentralized organizations, we need to be able to build it ourselves.

    Luckily Linux is improving. GTK4 + gtk-rs + Wayland + Flatpack give us a halfway decent platform to build with IMO.