(sorry if I'm being silly, I'm a noob in all things arts and literature)
I was reading some stuff and realized that, when hope is the matter, the symbols are usually variations of these: nature awakening (flowers blooming, birds singing...), sunrise, sun coming from behind clouds, illuminated subject in a dark ambient.
As a mental exercise, I tried to remember/think of other images that are used or could be used to convey hope, but I can't think of any.
Have you ever written or read anything that uses other symbols to convey similar feelings as the images mentioned?
Conversation and laughter in the background is something I've seen used before but mostly in films I think. It kinda fits with sunrise but any sort of warm motifs like things thawing or cold leaving or candles being lit (but not burning out) convesy similar ideas of spring and new days. Births or marriages near the end of a piece are traditionally used as a sign that there is a good ending. Not my jam, but there are lots of religious symbols associated with similar things like doves and lambs for christianity or just forgiveness in general.