It's 100% untrue. Men are beautiful. You are beautiful. Believe in yourself and remember that the most attractive thing in the world is a kind heart and that starts with being kind to yourself.

Don't let the world make you feel ugly, they're just trying to sell you shit.

  • Arkhamasylumresident [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I would say I’m somewhat good-looking. (6 foot tall, nice eyes and cheekbones, slim,) I would consider myself above average looking, used to have a decent amount of chicks try to come on to me. None of that helps if you’re anti-social guys. If you act like a complete creep or seem desperate, people can sniff that out a mile away and get turned off very quickly. Being a decent looking dude hasn’t overpowered the fact that I’m very lacking socially.

    Whoever you’re trying to pursue, men, women etc... take showers make sure you look presentable in the hair and clothing department and Dont act like a creep, Put some effort into socializing and that’s worth far more than being slightly prettier than the average male. Trust me on this I’ve been here done that. I’ve had women hit on me before only to figure out I’m a complete social klutz and loner and decide to completely move on from me

    I’m guessing my post is only relevant for people who want to be ‘beautiful’ because they think it will make dating somehow easier