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    8 months ago

    Cr Massey criticises this response. She calls the consultation from 2019 "botched", and says there was "no meaningful consultation". She also notes that the petition response makes no mention of "safety".

    She calls out the fact that active transport projects are always the first to be cut when cuts are being made, including in the recent cuts. Fundamentally, active transport is not a priority of this council administration, she says.

      8 months ago

      Cr Cassidy says that the approach to consultation is terrible. They seem to be requiring the local councillor to go and do all the consultation and design themselves first and then bring that to the committee, if the ward is held by an opposition or minor party/independent councillor. But if it's an LNP ward, they use Council resources to produce a design and perform consultation, he says.

        8 months ago

        Cr Murphy basically confirms that what Cr Cassidy said here is completely true. If Labor proposes a solution, he says, they won't provide it resources.

          8 months ago

          He claims that former councillor Sriranganathan started the consultation process for the bikeway on Dornoch Terrace & Gladstone Rd, but that he turned against it because former state MP Jackie Trad spoke up against it.

          I don't know about Ms Trad's involvement, but you can read Mr Sriranganathan's opinion on it on his website. Suffice to say, Cr Murphy's oversimplification does not provide a very accurate representation of his views.