Here is an article about the situation:

Times of Israel

It’s not the Haaretz article since it’s pay walled but I figured this one was good enough too.

  • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
    8 months ago

    Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum director Dani Dayan calls out Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan for donning a yellow Star of David during his address to the Security Council yesterday, saying it “dishonors both the victims of the Holocaust and the State of Israel.”

    “The yellow patch symbolizes the helplessness of the Jewish people and being at the mercy of others. Today we have an independent country and a strong army,” Dayan tweets.

    “We are masters of our destiny. Today we place a blue-white flag on the lapel, not a yellow patch,” he adds.

    God damn this is possibly the worst condemnation of an obviously bad thing I have ever seen. Like admonishing someone for wearing a Swastika because it would be better to wear a Union Jack instead since the British were more successful genocidaires.