They claim it's to combat anti-semitism but given the timing, the fact the zionists intentionally conflate opposition to their settler-colonial genocide project with hating Jews and who Biden is, it's pretty clear what this is likely really about.

NBC gives away the game with these passages.

The White House recently expressed deep concern over “an extremely disturbing pattern of antisemitic messages” on college campuses since the Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel on Oct. 7, which left 1,400 people dead, including protests calling for the annihilation of the state of Israel or for genocide against the Jewish people.

“These grotesque sentiments and actions shock the conscience and turn the stomach. They also recall our commitment that can’t be forgotten: ‘never again,’” White House spokesman Andrew Bates said. More than 8,000 people, including women and children, have died in Gaza, according to Palestinian health officials.

Last week, anti-Israel messages were projected onto a building at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., and there was a heated pro-Palestinian rally at Cooper Union College in New York.

More than 100 colleges and universities nationwide had planned walkouts in support of the Palestinian people last Wednesday afternoon, according to various social media posts.

Commenters suggest this may use Title VII to pull funding from colleges that don't tackle this "problem". We may not be far off from people being expelled over this. The zionist regime and the US imperialist project are desperate to prevent what happened to South Africa happening to the occupying force known as Israel. Crushing this movement on campuses is crucial to preventing a sea-change in the imperial core that could help precipitate its downfall.

(Original Source Link (Imperialist Press Warning): )

  • Maoo [none/use name]
    11 months ago

    Free speech warriors are just reactionaries that want more acceptability for their explicitly pro-oppressor positions. Their concern for free speech ends at their own fingertips.