Hello again, you may remember me from my occasional recruitment posts on this comm for my current Spire Game. So far everyone I've recruited from this lemmy have been great players so I thought I'd post here to find a fifth.

Spire TTRPG is a fantasy-punk game wherein you play drow attempting to take back your mile high ancient city from the occupying aelfir by any means necessary. I'm very much a sandbox GM and Spire is very much a sandbox game. To give an example, my players just recently finished a multi-month heist to magically clone, teleport and time travel a vault of Aelfir army cyphers 400 years in the past so they could dig it up in the present (it worked, but it also opened a breach to another world, who are currently invading).

We have weekly short sessions of about 3-4 hours, the game is rules light and roleplay heavy, with some emphasis on collaborative story telling.

Msg me if you are interested.