Protestors self‐immolate because they’re desperate and don’t know what else to try. It is always a last resort, not one of the first. Most of the world is begging for the neocolonists to stop exterminating the innocent and they’re still doing it anyway. If the oppressors simply yielded to our demands the first umpteen thousand g‐ddamn times that we asked, nobody would have tried this. As far as I’m concerned, they can take the blame.
The livestreamer in D.C. said he wished to end his complicity in the Gaza war. That war began when Hamas terrorists burned Israelis alive, and the livestreamer showed no appreciation of the irony that it would end, for him, with his own voluntary experience of the same fate. His willingness to suffer this way certainly demonstrated his “determination and sincerity,” to use Nhat Hanh’s phrase. It also showed his numbness to the suffering of others: His cinders should inspire action, but the much larger piles of cinders of whole families in the Kfar Aza kibbutz somehow should not.
…wow. Have you ever heard of the Nakba? The apartheid? What happened after the Oslo accords? How unpopular the ‘Palestinian Authority’ is? Why the hell do you think that Palestinian militants broke into the neocolony…? Because they had nothing better to do?
This isn’t going to accomplish anything other than giving Palestinians something to laugh about.
How about we cast a vote to ban the German government from existence?
You know what…I don’t fucking care anymore. If Hamas is the best defense that Palestinians have against an upcoming populicide, I don’t care.
My anxiety is intensifying because I feel like the neocolonists are soon going to do to the Palestinians what the Ottoman Empire did to the Armenians. If the neocolonists don’t want to end the occupation, everybody can support Hamas. I don’t fucking care.
I don’t understand this argument either. Studying Fascism for several years I have had to grapple with numerous complex topics, such as why the Fascist bourgeoisie adopted antisemitism, why the Third Reich allied with Imperial Japan, why the Polish ruling class wouldn’t officially ally with the Fascists, and more. I can tell you that the subject of Palestine is not especially complex.
people can share whatever flag they like, but the people who post ‘no Zionists’ are basically saying ‘no Jews’.
Fuck you. Implying that all (or 99%) of Jews are Zionists erases anticolonial Jews, a few of whom I know, and many of us are tired of Zionists trying repeatedly to erase them from the narrative. Can you imagine what impression a Palestinian gentile would get from never encountering any anti‐Zionist Jews? What would she think?
Zack, 35, says: “I got pretty disillusioned after I found myself consistently matching with anti-Zionists, even when I set it to ‘Jewish only’.”
Is this article seriously conceding the existence of anti‐Zionist Jews while also equating Jews with Zionists? Am I reading this correctly?
Jacob says: “I didn’t care before, but now I’ll make a bit more effort to try and find someone Jewish.” Like Zack, however, he has encountered anti-Zionist Jews.
I am. Good. I’m glad that it is becoming increasingly difficult for the capitalist media to ignore anticolonial Jews, since that indicates that they’re growing in prominence.
Zack put an [apartheid] flag emoji on his profile to rectify the situation. “It’s annoying because the more creative personalities I normally go for tend to be more anti-Israel.” Now he’s having fewer awkward conversations about the conflict, but the people he’s matching with are “less interesting”.
This is my favorite part of the article.
I have to admit, after reading this I am tempted to try Hinge. My previous attempts at using the Internet to find nearby love or friendship have been mostly unsuccessful, though, so I’m reluctant.
Unfortunately some pro‐Palestinian people and groups are conservative on every topic but Palestine. NKUSA for example does some good work but it’s also disappointingly conservative with regards to gender and sexuality. Even Finkelstein isn’t good with regards to gender.
It’s a shame, but unless they repeatedly insert their conservative mindset into Palestinian‐related issues (like here), I pick my battles; I’d prefer to call out ‘rainbow imperialism’ when I see it rather than use it as an excuse to take a potshot at queer folk.
And no, Zionists, we have nothing to gain by joining your side. I’m sure that they’ll exploit misbehavior like Anastasia’s to smear their enemies, but the implication that joining Zionism is the answer is blockheaded.
Not a day goes by that I forget about the 28,000–35,000 Palestinians that his class exterminated.
Biden and Netanyahu both deserve to be hung upside down from the scaffolding at a gas station.
That must be Benjamin Netanyahu’s Lemmy account!
Hey Bibi, would you mind explaining to us why a third of Shoah survivors under your régime are living in poverty? I know that you don’t care about Palestinians—that’s a given—but surely if you cared about your fellow Jews you wouldn’t let so many of them suffer like this… would you? You do at least care about other Jews, right…? Right…?
I just rewatched that segment. It wasn’t a debate over having a war, but how the creatures were able to execute their military tactics so competently:
Federal scientists struggle to explain the intelligent military actions of the Arachnids.
Whether it was intentional or not, that paralleled how Fascism (like other ruling political theories) drew distinctions between ‘acceptable’ and ‘unacceptable’ dissent. For example:
Not all publications are formal organs of the Party, but unswerving obedience is a sine qua non for their existence. Certainly an occasional feeble and minor criticism is not considered incompatible with such fealty. But on all basic issues there can be only one language. In consequence, Italian newspapers have descended to a ridiculously phonographic level, monotonous and uniform.
It is similar to the situation in occupied Palestine: criticizing how the war is going is acceptable, but questioning its very necessity is not.
there is voting
even non citizens like Rico’s parents are extremely well off.
Ditto. But seriously, that is part of the setting: it’s supposed to be a highly idealized, neofascist utopia, where there is little to no crime and traditional social evils such as racial discrimination and misogyny have been replaced with a speciesism towards fictional creatures.
Tell us again how the film is about fascism?
Listen to the DVD commentaries!
Watch anticommunists unjokingly say that this murder of one white cishet capitalist man is infinitely more important than the annihilation of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians.
I feel slightly hypocritical for saying this, but in my experience grown‐ups who gripe about ‘stupid people’ a lot don’t seem terribly sophisticated themselves.
His reply is embarrassingly longwinded. All that it does is reconfirm that he knows nothing about either Palestinian society or its oppressors. He could easily look up ‘israeli war crimes’ for himself and see how Herzlians openly, proudly glorify their own atrocities against the indigenous population… but sympathizing with the Palestinians wouldn’t be in his class’s best interest, now would it?
This is like the Zionist father who was immensely grateful that his daughter was dead before a Palestinian could abduct her. This is clearly an attitude that somebody bred to ready people for war, not a ‘natural’ reaction.
And I appreciate their decision, as the brain drain and want of cannon fodder are doubtless going to accelerate the neocolony’s collapse. I am sure that some day, after this nightmare is over, they’ll get a chance to visit or maybe even stay in Palestine, but only on the condition that they agree to the Palestinians’ rules, much like the precolonial Jewish population was already doing. Until then, unless they seriously plan on acquainting the heads of Zionist politicians and capitalists with the pavement, it’s best not to bother.
On a side note, this supports my hypothesis that the Third Reich probably would have sided with the IOF, as the Reich certainly would not have wanted Jews to return to Europe (unless, I suppose, they were certain to meet a violent end there).
Committee Chairman Oded Forer MK said that, “The State of Israel has to take the appropriate measures to eradicate the anti-Semitism phenomenon around the world. Unfortunately, currently there is no government plan that deals with the communities of Israelis abroad.”
A régime that regularly sacrifices its citizens and lets thousands of them waste away in poverty has no government plan for emigrants? Of course not.
The destruction of the U.S.S.R. didn’t ‘decolonize’ anybody. In fact, the USAID and other anticommunists neocolonized the former U.S.S.R., and millions of civilians died as a result.
Soviet Russia’s relations with its sister republics was not colonial, certainly not if we define colonialism as a parasitic relationship. One brief example:
the relatively backward areas share, in terms of formal equality, in the social service benefits of the USSR as a whole, and the financial burden appears to fall disproportionately on the more ‘advanced’ Russians, Ukrainians, etc.24
(Source and click here for more examples.)
There was no long term plan to replace the natives (as in occupied Palestine) or keep them in a perpetual state of servitude (as in Puerto Rico). Russians did visit other republics to assist them in modernization and they did promote bilingualism to accommodate them, but colonialism and imperialism aren’t simply about ‘doing stuff’ in somebody else’s country. It helps to think of them more in terms of a parasitic relationship, where the weak must benefit the strong but not the other way around.
If this anticommunist seriously thinks that the U.S.S.R. was the ‘worst colonial empire’, that is only evidence that he hasn’t read much history. Not many anticommunists have, really.
Palestinians have far, far worse things to worry about than LGBT+ people speaking up in their defence. They aren’t like the settlers, who insult Indians even when they show support for Zionism.
I am just dumbfounded right now. The only people in that screenshot who even came close to mentioning the Armenian massacres were sgtpepper9764 and possibly ShinigamiLeaf and VoccioBiturix. The rest were romanticizing the Ottoman Empire. I’ll admit that it probably wasn’t among the worst empires in the premodern era, but I’d rather have something better entirely than a return to an empire!
What happpened to r/ShitLiberalsSay? I doubt that this would have gone unpunished half a decade ago, but here they are.
The Ottoman Empire did many things wrong
The worst was losing at Vienna
You’ve got to be kidding me.
The Armenian massacres were basically the Holocaust of WWI: the Ottoman Imperialists exterminated at least 800,000 Armenians in a ferocious campaign to make room for Turkish settlers, and it received a great deal of equipment and even some personnel from the German Empire for its extermination. In fact, there were so many links between the German and Ottoman Empires that it would have been quite a coincidence if these massacres weren’t on the German Fascists’ minds at all during the 1940s!
I hate begging people to read books since I’m assuming that few of us have that kind of time to spare, but I strongly recommend to anybody with little or no familiarity of the massacres to at least add Professor Stefan Ihrig’s Justifying Genocide: Germany and the Armenians from Bismarck to Hitler to your reading list. He not only describes the massacres theirselves but also their links to the German Empire and how many papers in Weimar Republic explicitly justified them. In fact, there could hardly be a better time to read this given the anti‐Palestinian sentiment in the West and its media right now; you are sure to get a sense of déjà vu.
I never thought that I'd see anybody play the old 'starving children in Africa' card to distract us from a fucking extermination campaign but then the Herzlians proved me wrong.
The media are probably fixated on the Levantine because the 'State of Israel' is more crucial to Western hegemony than Turkey and Sudan.
The real question is, what would these dullards say to someone who is keeping an eye on Kurdistan, Palestine, and Sudan? They couldn't rely on their distractionism to bail them out then.
It must have taken Barton Swaim a Herculean amount of strength to resist mentioning On the Jewish Question, that piece largely irrelevant to scientific socialism that antisocialists looooove bringing up over and over again.
Anyway, I don’t see the need in addressing this crap point by point since almost any of us could do it if we had the time, patience, or interest in doing so. Unfalsifiable assertions, huge chunks of context missing (hey Barton, what happened to all of those Arabs in 1948?), begging the question, outright misinformation—it’s not that responding would be hard, it would just be too time‐consuming and unrewarding to put in the effort. That said, it is worth using this moment as an opportunity to remind people whence the neocolony received so much of its early funding:
Indeed, prior to [1948], the Haavara transfer was a huge booster for the Zionist economy in Palestine. Zionist sources speak of a sum of 139.6 million Reichmarks — an enormous sum for that time being transferred from [the Third Reich] to [the occupation of] Palestine.43 Another source gives the amount transferred as eight million pounds sterling[.]44 The capitalist Zionist economy thus grew. It was not a coincidence that the most important projects in [the neocolony] were founded or directed by emigrants from [the Third Reich].
The ADL is useless. Always has been, always shall be.
I’d love to see what research the author conducted before arriving at these very bold conclusions. It must have been exhaustive indeed.
Aside from the referencing of Martin Luther King being so cliché at this point, above all it saddens me how so many people do it in ill faith.
Roll. Eyes.
If Hamas’s own words are meaningless to you, go look at how released Jewish hostages discussed their captivity and then compare it with the released Palestinian prisoners discussing theirs.
This is just a rehashed argument from early Zionists claiming that antisemitism is natural, so Jews have to shove off to Palestine.
This again?
Strawman, have you tried exploring how Zionism harms Jews?
Usually when Zionists offer this trite reminder, they give no examples, maybe because ‘Israel isn’t doing enough to exterminate Arabs’ isn’t a criticism that they want to utter in public.
The author’s history is loaded with classic Zionist untruths, like the U.N. creating the neocolony (not exactly), the neocolony being compensation for the Shoah (not really), the exodus of Palestinians being accidental (nope), then delves into this:
Mentioning Jews of colour only weakens the author’s point since they regularly face discrimination under Zionism. Also, the point that European Jews were not yet canonized as white is irrelevant since most of them are white enough for the neoliberal establishment.
‘Jew’ isn’t a synonym for Zionist, dipshit. G‐ddamn, I’m tired of responding to this. I know that I only covered a fraction of it but I’m too annoyed to continue. Fuck this author.