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Joined a year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • 0ops@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzpoggers
    7 months ago

    The math is the same, you just wrote it more "casually". For me it was 0+100, 1+99, 2+98 ... 49+51 -> 100 x 50 = 5000, then add the 50 that was missed from the middle for 5050. But yeah I remember coming up with that when I was really young.

  • This is pretty much my take. For tech newbies that essentially only need a browser, linux mint is great. On the other extreme, if you want to tinker, get your hands dirty, then you probably already know what distro you want.

    It's toughest for the people in between who need some more advanced os functionality or need programs that aren't natively supported, but otherwise don't want to know more about their os than they have to. Not because Linux doesn't have that advanced functionality (and more!) or because there aren't alternatives and workarounds for those programs, but because of the learning curve.

    For someone already tech illiterate, the learning curve is almost a moot point. For the tinkerer, it's practically a feature. But for the people in between, it can a real obstacle.

  • Yeah, a couple months back I was doing some work on my car and when I was done I did a test start and it started right up. The next morning though it wouldn't start. After giving it a little gas I could get it to...idle, per say, but it sounded terrible. Like Satan spray-shitting hammers and nails into a sheet-metal toilet. At that point though I was able to look in the engine bay with the car running and I could hear an audible hissing - the vacuum line going to the brake booster snapped in two. It must've been torqued weird when I was moving the intake manifold around. I rigged it back together, it started up great, and I went straight to the hardware store to replace the hose

  • The newest fantastic 4 movie. Every character in that one is just contagiously miserable and toxic for some reason. It's totally humorless but doesn't justify it. I powered through because I'm not the type to quit a movie, but had a headache after. Most of the time when I dislike a movie I can come up with some reason that it's not so bad, "oh that one scene was kind of cool", "I liked so-and-so's character", "EXPLOSIONS!". I can't think of anything for this one. It was hard to watch yet meaningless and forgettable.

  • I didn't have a console or PC growing up, so the only games I played were flash games on school computers. When I got a smart phone I mostly switched to mobile games. So I like mobile games. Not all of them, there's a lot of garbage out there. But there's some good ones. It's a great platform for indie games and I love it when a game actually takes advantage of the touchscreen as an input, rather than simply trying to emulate a controller. I especially love the multiplayer games. It was so awesome in highschool whenever we had a break, we'd just look at each and break out whatever the hottest game was locally and play a round.

    I have a Steam deck now and I'm more busy, so don't play mobile games as often as I used to, but there's a few that still play pretty often: Pubg mobile, Bombsquad, True surf, Shredsauce. Pubg mobile in particular I don't think gets enough credit for how well they pulled off mobile controls. Insanely customizable, and with gyro turned on, I would rather play an fps on a phone then with a gamepad anyday. Even with the steam deck, the extra weight makes quick, precise movements with the gyro more clumsy than on my phone.