Looking for an alternative to reddit

  • 9 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2023


  • 1984@lemmy.todaytogamesYou could have fooled me.
    26 days ago

    Maybe true, but that's why its so good. I loved this game because I didn't want to feed my people sawdust for breakfast. I actually cared about the consequences of my actions and when the storm came and everyone was freezing, I actually felt bad.

    What other game makes you feel something about its characters?

  • They shouldn't trust him because he is a liar and a manipulator, and a charming, effective one, like all sociopaths.

    He literally goes out there and talks to the crowd thinking they are idiots, because he can just make them think whatever he wants.

    And they are. That's why I'm wondering why they don't learn. There must be something inside them that makes them want to be betrayed. Kind of like a relationship where you know you will get hurt but you do it anyway because you think that's what you deserve. Maybe? I really don't understand it.