40DeadlyFetishes [comrade/them]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2020


  • 40DeadlyFetishes [comrade/them]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    You’re pro free speech, right?

    This discussion has nothing to do with "free speech". I also don't really care about free speech and think that in general it's fine for the government to limit it.

    Okay? He entered a career which is very PR heavy, he should be careful with his PR.

    Irrelevant victim blaming.

    And again, what’s the response? Abolish the discussion of anyone’s behaviour ever?

    Identify users who stir up brigades and witch hunts and ban them from the platform. Look into restorative justice (typically via seizing assets or wealth and distributing them to victims of harassment) for the ones who persist.

    completely totalitarian response

    "Totalitarian" is a fake word for babies invented to make it seem like communist governments are unique in oppression.

  • 40DeadlyFetishes [comrade/them]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    More importantly, what do you want done about it?

    I want Twitter users to log the fuck off instead of deciding how much punishment is enough for people who used to tweet shitty things but have changed their attitudes since then.

    He lost one contract, who cares?

    Literally more harm than anything people are bringing up. I'm sure his daughter will benefit greatly from the impact that his wikipedia page making him sound like weev or Richard Spencer will have on his career as well. Well done.

  • 40DeadlyFetishes [comrade/them]togamesWhy do people like Dark Souls?
    4 years ago

    they're wonderfully designed action rpgs with great ambience and really tight mechanics

    if you're getting repeatedly squashed, it's 100% because you suck ass at it

    don't saltpost here about it. just git gud. watch videos about it. try again.