I was gonna ask the same thing, I didn't see one still.
I was gonna ask the same thing, I didn't see one still.
Cooking every dish so you can eat at thanksgiving and suffering through horrible family time while everyone brings a lot of meat to ruin your meal :im-vegan:
I was listening to the audiobook and was so wrapped up in it that I totally missed the chapter and accidentally read through like chapter 7 haha. Really good book, like @Fuckface69 said I love Graeber's writing style. I think mostly this book puts in to words and defines a lot of things I kinda knew instinctively but didn't know how to express the ideas. The different categories of bullshit jobs are interesting, I also liked how he makes sure to always call out when a job isn't in and of itself bullshit, but it's just a shit job to have.
all good!
Is the discussion for today in persuall or will there be a thread? Sorry for confusion...
Very sketchy indeed....I'll risk my pc and report back for other folks interested.
EDIT: That site didn't work for me, I wouldn't recommend it. I found a working magnet link though if anyone wants it dm me I guess? Idk how best to share it lol
Thanks, good to get confirmation :)
Bullshit jobs doesn't have a free one though afaik...unless there's one on perusall?
Thank you :) I'd love to be included in the mass tag please
I've been meaning to read this, but I'm new-ish to the site and don't know how to participate in the book club. Will there just be occasional threads to discuss, is there a schedule? Sorry if this info is easily attainable and I missed it
Also sorry if this is to early in the day, just wanted to make sure I got it in on time!
It's a :reddit-logo: link, but the vegan pets page has a log of good peer reviewed articles on how one would go about this and a big summary of studies on the subject. Scroll through this page and check out the studies cited. People heard cats were obligate carnivores and are always happy to jump on the "actually you're the animal abuser" train, but their is significant research saying it can be done if carefully monitored and it can even be healthier for the animals, reducing obesity and other diseases in some cases. Link to the resources here