AllModsAreCops [des/pair]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2022


  • I'm already on a timer here. I'm being openly antagonistic to the mods (my day one account was banned because I called them cliquey in how they were purging the first struggle sessions). On an account where I've already indicated is linked to another account they banned (they didn't like my taiwan take) and asked for it to be unlocked ONE DAY so I could grab some contact info for personal resources I had saved there. So now I'm officially doing a ban evasion. I posted here 100% knowing I would get banned as soon as one noticed. But they fucking suck so fuck them.

  • I think you're beginning from a place of assuming the mods are acting as detached wisended arbiters and not behaving exactly like every other moderator of every other website on the internet. If you can't figure out the variable between two cases of moderation that caused different outcomes, just remember that mods are cut from the cloth of the most terminally online petty arguers. The answer is that they felt like doing what they did.

  • AllModsAreCops [des/pair]
    touserunionAppeal to the ban of FirstToServe
    2 years ago

    I am genuinely sorry for being sarcastic at the dozens of people hurling insults and expletives at me. I promise to never use sarcasm against someone being unreasonable and personally insulting to me again. That's not what we do here.

    And besides, guy who joined in on that thread to do an ableism at me, all I'm asking for is to get to my messages so I can copy some contact info. If you're still harboring a grudge at me for this long to that level maybe do something about yourself.

    As if losing a year old account over the first time I got upset at anyone on here would be a crazy thing to appeal in the first place, if I were even asking for that much.