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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 15th, 2023


  • Anchorite@lemm.eetoaskchapoGame of Thrones questions
    10 months ago

    It started what, over a decade ago? Think about it in context, it was the first fantasy show to be given a huge budget and weight behind it, the first to be given the ‘prestige television HBO’ treatment.

    Don’t feel like you need to make a huge commitment, it’s fairly focused and you can take what you want from it.

    Don’t care about the hype at all, people who make media their personality are not who you want to emulate, enjoy it or don’t it’s entertainment

  • Anchorite@lemm.eetochatI feel sad about the future
    10 months ago

    I hear you friend, it’s rough out there.

    What you can do is take local action in your community to improve things, don’t let discrimination happen within the reach of your arm and voice, don’t let people suffer under your sight.

    Take what positive action you can, that’s all you can do. That’s how change is accomplished, you can’t hope to see an overarching system of people in power change things drastically for the better, that’s not how systems of power operate, but you can make a change

  • Yes I agree it’s incrementalism, but it’s a grain of sand in the good side of the scales.

    I see the strongest detractors of the voice being conservatives, not the groups saying it’s too little. In my opinion, and maybe I’m being more cynical than you, is that if people do not support this small step, there’s no fucking hope of anything more significant being supported any time soon.

    So like I said, it’s not much but if it’s defeated I see nothing but harm coming from the loss

  • Most likely very little (that’s why I said it’s a tiny step in the direction progress). I think it’s extremely high profile and has public focus, that makes it different to most advisory bodies.

    Also true what your saying about it going bad and being stocked with shills.

    Again I think it’s an action, which to me seems better than no action. Particularly because I don’t think a No vote results in increased indigenous support, but does result in emboldened bigots and conservative affirmation