Honestly that sounds good to me, but not everyone configures their own preferred fonts, so it may not be a crowd pleaser. It's not too bad for me to just override the style on my side.
Honestly that sounds good to me, but not everyone configures their own preferred fonts, so it may not be a crowd pleaser. It's not too bad for me to just override the style on my side.
I had a look and it can be set by setting font-family
inside the .hljs
block within the theme (e.g. atom-one-dark.css
Woohoo! You didn't even mention: code blocks no longer mangle ampersands and less-than symbols!
Anyway it looks great and is a much appreciated feature, thank you!
I searched and found the project. If you're having the same issue described here, it's been known for a few weeks and
will be fixed with the next release.
I don't know SP or how its shortcuts work, but did you check if you already have those shortcuts assigned in plasma's global shortcuts? The easiest way is to assign them to any plasma global shortcut and see if it tells you there's a conflict.
If that's not it, can you trigger those SP actions with an external command? Then you could do it through plasma global shortcuts.
If you want, you could use Telegram without your real phone number by either getting a virtual number from Google Voice or another service, or you could buy a Telegram-only number from their fragment site.
No Zsh support for now, and maybe no user fonts?
And a warning: it's got telemetry on by default.
Factor on github (with comments and imports):
! hand: "A23A4"
! card: 'Q'
! hand-bid: { "A23A4" 220 }
: card-key ( ch -- n ) "23456789TJQKA" index ;
: five-kind? ( hand -- ? ) cardinality 1 = ;
: four-kind? ( hand -- ? ) sorted-histogram last last 4 = ;
: full-house? ( hand -- ? ) sorted-histogram { [ last last 3 = ] [ length 2 = ] } && ;
: three-kind? ( hand -- ? ) sorted-histogram { [ last last 3 = ] [ length 3 = ] } && ;
: two-pair? ( hand -- ? ) sorted-histogram { [ last last 2 = ] [ length 3 = ] } && ;
: one-pair? ( hand -- ? ) sorted-histogram { [ last last 2 = ] [ length 4 = ] } && ;
: high-card? ( hand -- ? ) cardinality 5 = ;
: type-key ( hand -- n )
[ 0 ] dip
{ [ high-card? ] [ one-pair? ] [ two-pair? ] [ three-kind? ] [ full-house? ] [ four-kind? ] [ five-kind? ] }
[ dup empty? ] [
unclip pick swap call( h -- ? )
[ drop f ] [ [ 1 + ] 2dip ] if
] until 2drop
:: (hand-compare) ( hand1 hand2 type-key-quot card-key-quot -- <=> )
hand1 hand2 type-key-quot compare
dup +eq+ = [
drop hand1 hand2 [ card-key-quot compare ] { } 2map-as
{ +eq+ } without ?first
dup [ drop +eq+ ] unless
] when
; inline
: hand-compare ( hand1 hand2 -- <=> ) [ type-key ] [ card-key ] (hand-compare) ;
: input>hand-bids ( -- hand-bids )
"vocab:aoc-2023/day07/input.txt" utf8 file-lines
[ " " split1 string>number 2array ] map
: solve ( hand-compare-quot -- )
'[ [ first ] bi@ @ ] input>hand-bids swap sort-with
[ 1 + swap last * ] map-index sum .
; inline
: part1 ( -- ) [ hand-compare ] solve ;
: card-key-wilds ( ch -- n ) "J23456789TQKA" index ;
: type-key-wilds ( hand -- n )
[ type-key ] [ "J" within length ] bi
2array {
{ { 0 1 } [ 1 ] }
{ { 1 1 } [ 3 ] } { { 1 2 } [ 3 ] }
{ { 2 1 } [ 4 ] } { { 2 2 } [ 5 ] }
{ { 3 1 } [ 5 ] } { { 3 3 } [ 5 ] }
{ { 4 2 } [ 6 ] } { { 4 3 } [ 6 ] }
{ { 5 1 } [ 6 ] } { { 5 4 } [ 6 ] }
[ first ]
} case
: hand-compare-wilds ( hand1 hand2 -- <=> ) [ type-key-wilds ] [ card-key-wilds ] (hand-compare) ;
: part2 ( -- ) [ hand-compare-wilds ] solve ;
Factor on github (with comments and imports):
I didn't use any math smarts.
: input>data ( -- races )
"vocab:aoc-2023/day06/input.txt" utf8 file-lines
[ ": " split harvest rest [ string>number ] map ] map
first2 zip
: go ( press-ms total-time -- distance )
over - *
: beats-record? ( press-ms race -- ? )
[ first go ] [ last ] bi >
: ways-to-beat ( race -- n )
dup first [1..b)
over beats-record?
] map [ ] count nip
: part1 ( -- )
input>data [ ways-to-beat ] map-product .
: input>big-race ( -- race )
"vocab:aoc-2023/day06/input.txt" utf8 file-lines
[ ":" split1 nip " " without string>number ] map
: part2 ( -- )
input>big-race ways-to-beat .
Factor on github (with comments and imports):
: line>cards ( line -- winning-nums player-nums )
":|" split rest
[ CHAR: space = ] trim
split-words harvest [ string>number ] map
] map first2
: points ( winning-nums player-nums -- n )
intersect length
dup 0 > [ 1 - 2^ ] when
: part1 ( -- )
"vocab:aoc-2023/day04/input.txt" utf8 file-lines
[ line>cards points ] map-sum .
: follow-card ( i commons -- n )
[ 1 ] 2dip
2dup nth swapd
over + (a..b]
[ over follow-card ] map-sum
nip +
: part2 ( -- )
"vocab:aoc-2023/day04/input.txt" utf8 file-lines
[ line>cards intersect length ] map
dup length swap '[ _ follow-card ]
map-sum .
Factor on github (with comments and imports):
: symbol-indices ( line -- seq )
[ ".0123456789" member? not ] find-all [ first ] map
: num-spans ( line -- seq )
>array [ over digit? [ nip ] [ 2drop f ] if ] map-index
{ f } split harvest
[ [ first ] [ last ] bi 2array ] map
: adjacent? ( num-span symbol-indices -- ? )
swap [ first 1 - ] [ last 1 + ] bi [a,b]
'[ _ interval-contains? ] any?
: part-numbers ( line nearby-symbol-indices -- seq )
[ dup num-spans ] dip
'[ _ adjacent? ] filter
swap '[ first2 1 + _ subseq string>number ] map
: part1 ( -- )
"vocab:aoc-2023/day03/input.txt" utf8 file-lines
[ [ symbol-indices ] map ] keep
pick swap [ 1 - ?nth-of ] [ nth-of ] [ 1 + ?nth-of ] 2tri
3append part-numbers sum
] map-index sum nip .
: star-indices ( line -- seq )
[ CHAR: * = ] find-all [ first ] map
: gears ( line prev-line next-line -- seq-of-pairs )
pick star-indices
[ 1array '[ _ part-numbers ] [ 3dup ] dip tri@ 3append ]
[ length 2 = ] map-filter [ 3drop ] dip
: part2 ( -- )
"vocab:aoc-2023/day03/input.txt" utf8 file-lines
dup [
pick swap [ 1 - ?nth-of ] [ 1 + ?nth-of ] 2bi
gears [ product ] map-sum
] map-index sum nip .
Factor on github (with comments and imports):
: known-color ( color-phrases regexp -- n )
all-matching-subseqs [ 0 ] [
[ split-words first string>number ] map-supremum
] if-empty
: line>known-rgb ( str -- game-id known-rgb )
": " split1 [ split-words last string>number ] dip
R/ \d+ red/ R/ \d+ green/ R/ \d+ blue/
[ known-color ] tri-curry@ tri 3array
: possible? ( known-rgb test-rgb -- ? )
v<= [ ] all?
: part1 ( -- )
"vocab:aoc-2023/day02/input.txt" utf8 file-lines
[ line>known-rgb 2array ]
[ last { 12 13 14 } possible? ] map-filter
[ first ] map-sum .
: part2 ( -- )
"vocab:aoc-2023/day02/input.txt" utf8 file-lines
[ line>known-rgb nip product ] map-sum .
I feel ok about part 1, and just terrible about part 2.
on github (with comments and imports):
: part1 ( -- )
"vocab:aoc-2023/day01/input.txt" utf8 file-lines
[ [ digit? ] find nip ]
[ [ digit? ] find-last nip ] bi
2array string>number
] map-sum .
MEMO: digit-words ( -- name-char-assoc )
[ "123456789" [ dup char>name "-" split1 nip ,, ] each ] H{ } make
: first-digit-char ( str -- num-char/f i/f )
[ digit? ] find swap
: last-digit-char ( str -- num-char/f i/f )
[ digit? ] find-last swap
: first-digit-word ( str -- num-char/f )
digit-words keys [
2dup subseq-index
dup [
[ digit-words at ] dip
] [ 2drop ] if
] each drop !
] H{ } make
[ f ] [
sort-keys first last
] if-assoc-empty
: last-digit-word ( str -- num-char/f )
digit-words keys [
2dup subseq-index
dup [
[ reverse digit-words at ] dip
] [ 2drop ] if
] each drop !
] H{ } make
[ f ] [
sort-keys first last
] if-assoc-empty
: first-digit ( str -- num-char )
dup first-digit-char dup [
pick 2dup swap head nip
first-digit-word dup [
[ 2drop ] dip
] [ 2drop ] if
] [
2drop first-digit-word
] if
: last-digit ( str -- num-char )
dup last-digit-char dup [
pick 2dup swap 1 + tail nip
last-digit-word dup [
[ 2drop ] dip
] [ 2drop ] if
] [
2drop last-digit-word
] if
: part2 ( -- )
"vocab:aoc-2023/day01/input.txt" utf8 file-lines
[ [ first-digit ] [ last-digit ] bi 2array string>number ] map-sum .
Find the wiki page for "hard mode."
Well I'm not experiencing the bug, so can't provide proper information. If you are, it would be helpful to report it.
I would have liked to see a nice clear example at the top to help me decide if I really want to read about the language.
EDIT: First sample:
day := 1;
import "advent-prelude.noul";
puzzle_input := advent_input();
submit! 1, puzzle_input split "\n\n" map ints map sum then max;
submit! 2, puzzle_input split "\n\n" map ints map sum then sort then (_[-3:]) then sum;
Looks not too different from what you might do in Factor:
: totals ( -- seq )
puzzle-input "\n\n" split-subseq [ split-lines [ string>number ] map-sum ] map
: part1 ( -- ) totals supremum . ;
: part2 ( -- ) totals sort 3 tail* sum . ;
Factor, for sure. But I'll be surprised if I get though the whole first week without falling behind.
Ah, well I love that policy (types being in code, not configs). FWIW I sometimes use it as a hand-edited document, with a small type-specifying file, to generate json/yaml/toml for other programs to load.
Nice to see
there, an excellent project with an active and responsive developer. I use it every day in my Zsh aliases and functions, and it's a much faster shell highlighter thanbat
), with better language support as well.