AshamedPatriot1776 [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 14th, 2021


  • AshamedPatriot1776 [he/him]touserunion*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    edited a minute ago Last night I was banned for my comments on vaccines. I am not anti-Vaxx. I made that clear earlier. I would and I will happily take a Chinese vaccine. What I am against is this idea that the United States Vaccination Program is being done in a wholehearted, earnest attempt to properly inoculate the public from Covid-19. The US government is nothing short of malicious towards its people, especially BIPOC, and will stop at nothing to find some new kind of way to kill off people they consider to not conform to the White Supremacist American Empire. I’m certain there’s a downside to the vaccine rollout, a downside targeted directly at BIPOC and poor folk. To ban me for expressing concern about the US government’s vaccine program is to be naive about the problem. The Pandemic is good for the government, and it benefits the companies that work directly with the government, such as Amazon or Lockheed Martin. While it’s up to personal choice to take the vaccine, you should be aware that the Government doesn’t have your best interests at heart. This ban makes little sense, comes with no warning, and while likely good in intentions, doesn’t benefit this site. TLDR I would like a full Unban as I do not believe I was banned for fair reasons.

    I wanted to add in this edit that the site’s mods are fedjacketing me. While my old account (YungTheorist) was banned, it was banned because an asshole got in because my password was my birthday, locked me out, and started causing a ruckus in order to spite me. Now I’m being accused of being this guy in the modlogs. I’m stuck here with a ban from the only good place on the internet because the mods think I’m someone I’m not.