• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Many of these meanings seem to be captured in some modern solutions already:

    • We plan to provide a value, but memory for this value hasn’t been allocated yet.
    • The memory has been allocated, but we haven’t attempted to compute/retrieve the proper value yet
    • We are in the process of computing/retrieving the value


    • There was a code-level problem computing/retrieving the value

    Exception? Result monads? (Okay, yea, we try to avoid the m word, but bear with me there)

    • We successfully got the value, and the value is “the abstract concept of nothingness”

    An Option or Maybe monad?

    • or the value is “please use the default”
    • or the value is “please try again”

    An enumeration of return types would seem to solve this problem. I can picture doing this in Rust.

  • I swear, these bad EULA updates that basically force users to “accept the agreement, or we’ll brick your device” needs to fucking stop and be made illegal. The price that’s set for a product, especially a damn physical product, should include the acceptance of an existing EULA, and it should be honoured even when new ones come out and the user chooses to not accept the new agreement. You’ve basically never owned the product if companies can just pull the rug underneath you, and render your hardware useless. And you can’t foresee such changes too; a predatory company can acquire one that you’ve trusted and pull this shit. It’s borderline daylight larceny.