Charliisarobot [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 25th, 2024


  • Full warning only like halfway in

    I think it's fuckin hilarious but I'm also exclusively reading it because it's the basis for the upcoming Nirvanna the Band movie and I'm just inserting matt and Jay into every bit

    IDK I love how it portrays the impact of this oafish very self important man rippling out into the community I think it's pretty funny

  • This looks rad I know it's still in production but I really hope they can fix the sound mixing to make the attacks feel less flat. The knife swishes and lightning are begging for some big musical theater style sound effects.

    I can see all the attacks that are timed with musical cues but they feel disconnected from the song and the physical environment. Playing it I feel like it'd be less of a feeling the rhythm thing and more just rote memorization or reflexes.

  • I have been playing through all the re games with a friend, if you haven't played it's fucking wild how racist it is, even for the time it sticks out. All the controversy was centered on the first act which is fuckin bad but it gets so much worse anyone saying it's not that bad because "there were Spanish zombies and these are african zombies" either hasn't played it or cannot be trusted it's fuckin wild. The tribal shit after the first act is 1930's cartoon level racist.

  • Charliisarobot [none/use name]tofoodIdea: PBJ Taco
    4 months ago

    I worked at a mexican restaurant chain that had an item like this.

    It was a Tortilla, with peanut butter and banana in the center, and we would bread it in a sweet batter and cornflakes, then deep fry it. One of the best things on the menu, they got rid of it years ago because it didn't sell well for the prep work involved