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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 11th, 2021

  • As a chronically late person, honestly after years of feeling bad about it I’ve come back around the other side and now whenever I hear someone complain about another person being late, it just makes me want to be even later out of spite.

    Imma be honest, it’s just not that big of a deal when people are late. It’s fine! Sure if you’re like an hour or more late to shit all the time that’s one thing, but never once has someone being 10 minute late to something bothered me.

    If you’re upset about employees being late, that’s on you for not scheduling properly. You should never have so few people scheduled that someone being late or even calling out entirely even registers as a problem.

    Something I was taught by the best manager I’ve ever had was that you should always schedule 30% more staff than is required to get the job done. People get sick, are late, and have emergencies. Shit happens and if you’re running your schedule on 1:1 shift replacements and tiny margins you’re going to run into problems. But for some reason 99% of managers think if they actually did their job well, which necessitates bringing their labor% over like 15%, the universe would implode.

    I no longer desire the ability to be on time. I just want everyone else to calm the fuck down about everything all the time.