One of them Carpenter nerd types.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Know that you're not alone. I have many mtf friends who are going through the same thing. It's interesting to me that there is such a violent reaction by some partners, and for the reason on this one of 'trying to make her lesbian' is not the reasoning I think most people would consider after being in a nearly 2 decade long relationship. It strikes me as odd especially because people don't generally suddenly become trans. There must have been clues along the way that she either ignored or somehow missed. I've seen a few of your posts and it seems you have many many more questions about yourself and how to exist in the new world of you. The only advice I have for you is to slow down a touch and put some heavy thought into you, what you want, and why.

    I can go deeper, but don't really have the time atm. As for your hair situation, wigs are always a option for hair colors you may not be optimal for, and if that's a bit much, you can try to get your hair professionally dyed. They would likely be more knowledgeable.