• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • There is some things I would have liked to keep up on, but Lemmy has a lot of the stuff I am interested in, and Discord covers some other bits. I use social media less which is good. I am more productive and sleep quicker.

    The FOMO is the brain craving dopamine. The solution is getting used to less, not chasing more.

    Make the internet work for you, not the internet working you.

  • It was actually the BBC that documents this, and those expansions. Foreign policy wise, it's about as imperial as it comes. It's pro-Israel, pro-Ukraine, pro-NATO.

    Even if the point you raise is technically correct, knowing interests in that area are uncomfortable about that and pushing through that, could be construed as a little antagonistic. The west had nuclear non-proliferation treaties in this regards post the cold war to remove tensions. This was one of those policies aimed at de-escalation. Even if it's technically legal, choosing actions that will piss off countries you're trying to work through de-escalations with either stupid or antagonistic.

    I think the Russian propaganda line is that NATO started this, so Russia are justified. To make it clear, Russia aren't justified to invade a country and commit atrocities, but even then, in any situation, if you cannot look back at your own actions, and think is there something we could have done differently, you're doomed to repeat the same mistakes. There is often this weird view that your side can do no wrong. The reality is, both can, and there can be multiple assholes countries around the table, even if one is a far bigger asshole country.

  • I understand the concept of a safe space. I'm referring to the pro-China/Russia views. I'm a British democratic socialist. A proud lefty. I dislike large countries and their foreign policy (Russia, China and US). With that, I dislike my government's conduct in the world, and their actions in support Israel, and Saudi etc. I am frequently dismayed and embarrassed. However, some of the pro Stalin stuff is weird, disturbing and has festered for a while. Can you be principled when you condemn some atrocities and rationalise away others?

    I will engage in debate of course, and challenge where fit. I don't think that echo chamber was good in some respects.

  • I'm not going to defend Azov, or their beliefs. Their prominence came when they were defending from invasion, including Mariupol in which civilians were killed, their homes were destroyed, and the city starved and flattened.

    While no sane person thinks Azov is a good thing, why is the existence of misguided assholes worse than the flattening of a city and killing civilians?

    "This city got razed to the ground" "Good, the people defending those civilians were bad people with bad tatoos"

    How can you make that argument and consider yourself the good guy?

  • Yup. British leftie here. I don't like NATO, or trust it, but it has a purpose to serve, and the last few years have definitely demonstrated it. I don't think any sane minded person could not justify Putin's actions in Ukraine without tying themselves in knots. White NATO has unreasonably expanded against their word in recent years, raising cities to the ground is never justified, attacking civilians and constantly hitting civilian infrastructure is never justified. It's a horrific speed run on collecting all war crimes, it seems.

  • One point I'll add that I think needs saying is that these folk set up after CTH got banned from reddit. They were pushed into an echo chamber against their choice. It's been years now, and they've got used to that echo chamber and how they behave around each other. Federating means that culture that they have been used to for years is now not the only way to operate and could be problematic for them. It will take some time to bed in, and realise low effort in joke meme's just won't work. They will be outside their comfort zones and it could be disconcerting, but will learn to adjust. Some quicker than others.

    The point I am making is that initial impressions may not reflect the behaviour 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year or 2 years down the line. Do we believe that people should be pushed to the fringe in echo chambers, or do we believe that maybe reddit's content policies are probably more geared to atmosphere and money than what is correct for an online discussion forum?

    Perhaps some would even realise that instance isn't right for them, and while they can interact with it, and have that freedom they feel more at home with general purpose instances.

  • Maybe they need to educate them on what genocide is, and why it is a genocide. I'm firmly in the federate camp and I'm a British leftie, that cannot stand Putin or the CCP, but I will challenge those, like I challenge the right wingers and the atrocities they commit. We are all human, and we are all brothers and sisters. Fake political borders mean nothing if it's used to justify atrocities against people. This include Uyghur's, Palestinians, in Tigray, in Yemen, in Tibet, in Myanmar and the list goes on. Can we just stop screwing people who are different to our own?

  • Thank you for your candour, and much respect for you going against what could have been personally easy for you to do. Your adherence to your principles over your emotions and personal experiences show a really strong character.

    This instance is my go to, recommended instance. You've shown great technical leadership and now you're showing leadership in moderation. If people don't want to see hexbear, they have a choice in .world or beehaw (who seem to defederate quicker than Chelsea putting in a bid for a player they've just heard of). The fact that .ee can differentiate gives users that freedom to choose.

    I do think that those opposed to federation with hexbear are a loud minority and using the same arguments as was applied against lemmygrad and lemmy.ml. In many cases they aren't nuanced views, just recycled lines repeated. It's so frequently and so similar, I have wondered if it's brigading. Is this people who were on exploding heads that are still angry and trying to get even?

    Please ignore the initial hot response you'll get, and give people time to come to terms with and accept what you've said. They often push and push and push until you yield, and you need to keep strong to maintain this as your choice, which it should be. Even if you do defederate later, do it on your terms and based on clear criteria of what you feel is right. Many will agree with my view, but don't always wade in on debates. Often the ones that respond are the ones that are most emotionally agitated. I am responding to show support for you and what you have been through, and thank you for your transparency. I respect your integrity.

    For disclosure: I am a leftie, but personally opposed to communism. I am opposed to authoritarianism on both sides of the political spectrum. I welcome debate with people that differ from them views. I'm already frequently immersed in debate with Americans that have a very different view of capitalism, and I can live with that. I ain't a snowflake, and I don't endorse cancel culture (I do feel a whiff of irony here and I think it's important to raise that rhetoric the right often throw at at the left, because if you believe if free speech, you believe in free speech).