College Prof in the US, focus areas are Human-Computer Interaction, Cybersecurity, and Machine Learning

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Make sure to buy one with a dedicated button for each letter you want to use. Really, I would recommend something QWERTY just for standard compatibility.
    Scarastic jokes over, it literally doesn't matter at all. Just look online for the cheapest keyboard with the features you want. Type on a cellphone touchscreen keyboard if you are so inclined. If you are typing so much that it really starts to hurt your finger joints or muscles, then you can maybe start to look at ergonomic keyboards and see if they'd be right for you. Beyond that, your time is better spent actually coding than worrying about the proper type of keyboard to use.

  • I answered to the best of my abilities, but good grief did this survey need a 2nd set of eyes before publishing. Negative options usually weren't available, answers included multiple statements but not all of them applied, mutually exclusive options were checkboxes, inclusive options were radio buttons, etc.

  • The local police let a local business leader escape custody.
    TW: sexual abuse and child abuse.
    He was very well connected in the community, including higher ups at fortune 500 and other multi-million dollar businesses. He was arrested for multiple rapes, as well as multiple child abuse and sexual abuse cases. When he escaped custody, he was left alone in a police vehicle, in an area away from cameras, the police camera inside the car was deactivated, he wasn't properly restrained according to department policy, and the handcuffs were found inside the police vehicle.

  • Sad times, I remember first learning from Tornado Twin tutorials way back in version 3. At this stage of my life, I basically develop exclusively for game jams, and give away my weekend warrior projects for free. The new pricing model, as currently described, would not affect me. However, trust has been eroding for a while. Trust is gone now. I do not trust Unity not to alter the deal further. I fear that I may become liable for fees that I did not agree to when I published, for lack of a better term, my games to the internet. I've been looking at features offered up in Unreal for a while. I guess it is time to start watching tutorials.

  • Visual Studio - not VSCode. It is heavy AF, but that debugger and profiler are just too good not to use. I also don't want to fight against a million compiler/makefile/configuration issues. I just want something that works, and Visual Studio just works.

    All that said, I've probably written more C/C++ in Vim on a Linux box since I prefer C# when working on Windows, so idk? Visual Studio on Windows and Vim on Linux distros.

  • The AR Reading program that was popular in the early 2000s was an absolute disaster. It basically killed my love of reading for almost 10 years. They wouldn't let me read books "above my level" based on some BS test that used timed reading. I wasn't dumb, I just sub-vocalized when I read like a lot of people, so I read slowly. Read slow, don't finish the test, grade poor, so "no books for you!" said the school.