I always know where my tqoelyovwr is
I always know where my tqoelyovwr is
In 2050 we agree to meet our 2030 climate goals
Owning more than one home
I've heard the band name but not listened before. This new album sounds fun, thanks!
I've been using barrier, but will give this a try. Thanks!
The technique you're looking for is called Candling. I used to do this when I made the flu vaccine.
Its basically a light with a rubber cup on it to focus the light into the egg. Works really well.
Here's a random website that seems to have good info:
Candling will not tell you if the egg is fertilized until Day 4 or so, when the veins start to develop.
Oh cool! For reason I thought they were from Germany. I don't know why. Cheers!
Fuck all Kings obviously, but which King?
Most of these aren't really sci-fi, but are at least visually stunning:
The Fall (2006) (directed by Tarsem Singh),
2001: A Space Odyssey (Kubick, obvs),
Hero (2002) (by Yimou Zhang),
House of Flying Daggers (2004) (also by Yimou Zhang),
Tears for Sale (2008) (from Serbia, by Uros Stojanovic)
Scavenger's Reign was so awesome!
Oh man, Aniara was ace. Haven't seen anyone mention it before.
I loved his work with Parlamant and Fankadelic
That's ok, I have a few slurs for him too. Brain damaged removed.
I'll be honest, there must be some references I don't know or something, but I really didn't like that episode
Its definitely worth it, just stop at around Season 10, imo
Am I the only one who thinks youtube videos have no place here?
"We're not committing genocide, we're just paying for others to do it"
Have the cops shoot them in their bed while they're sleeping
Hello! I'll make some album recommendations, because its easier. :-)
Thats a good start, anyway.
TIL Sharp make phones