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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I've been using Amazon for years, never had an issue, but the delivery that was due last Thursday got delayed until today, but still no sign of it and the 'onboard for delivery' status hasn't changed since Thursday afternoon. Amazon sent a text apologising for the delay and if I don't receive it today I can claim a refund tomorrow.

    If I do get a refund but then the delivery miraculously turns up, do I get to keep it for free? Like I say, never had this issue before.

  • We had a 7-hour power outage yesterday afternoon, along with 1500 other homes, all because someone a bit further down the street released a helium-filled metallic balloon which floated up to the power lines and blew them up. All credit to the fire service who arrived quickly to secure the scene, and also to the United Energy crews who turned up with three massive cherry-picker trucks to thread it all back together again.

    In better news, Groundhog Day: The Musical was fantastic, highly recommended. It's surpassed Wicked as my favourite theatre musical of all time. The sets, the humour, the cast...just brilliant.

  • Our old OC manager was an absolute stickler for the rules, to the point where I stopped going to the AGMs in person because it would just drag on for hours. His replacement is a bit more casual but still does things by the book. To answer your question, they should absolutely be communicating with you and the rest of the OC. Check the responsibilities here: https://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/housing/owners-corporations/buying-into-an-owners-corporation/what-is-an-owners-corporation