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  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • We’re talking about aggressively anti-social people who don’t really believe in governance and humanism at all., your typical modern conservative?

    I say that slightly tongue-in-cheek, but I do stand by that the people you describe are almost exclusively going to be right-wing.

    That's definitely not to say that there's never been any online communities negatively impacted by left-wing politics. I can't even remember the number of subreddits I used to enjoy that have been overtaken by tankies/Stalinists/Maoists/Soviet-apologizers.

  • No doubt, I appreciate someone bringing this topic up because as you say, right-wingers will try to sabotage any healthy online community. They do seem to especially target local, provincial/state and national subreddits, which can be fertile grounds for propaganda. I'm pretty active on /r/newbrunswickcanada where there are definitely a ton of right-wing shit-stirrers trying to establish their perspective on issues.

    But while moderation is important, the community has to be actively involved in making this space into what we want to see. A big reason /r/Canada sucks isn't only the presence of the /r/metacanada types, it's the absence of reasonable people. I also remember when /r/Canada was decent, and I didn't leave when I first starting seeing fashy takes, because you'll see those everywhere on the internet. I left because eventually I realized most people I could enjoy discussing with were leaving/had already left.

    The more one participates in an online community, the more one can attract like-minded people to that community.