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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 15th, 2021

  • Ferk@lemmy.mltoComics@lemmy.mlThe exchange.
    2 months ago

    The thing is that we do have "Morning!", "Hello", "Hey", "Yo!", "Hi!".. and many other greetings that are not in the form of a question that actually leaves it open for the other person to respond with honesty and that is often also used as a conversation starter. If you really aren't open to a conversation, use one of the shorter friendly greetings.

    If I say "how's it going?" and they answer with something I don't have time to hear... at most I would excuse myself and politelly say that I don't have too much time to talk.. but complaining about the other person actually answering truthfully makes no sense.

    Of course it's just a comic, but still.. I don't think the one answering is in the wrong here.

  • "you want a government backdoor on GPL licensed code? publish the backdoor for everyone to use, see and exploit/check for themselves. And/or watch as people simply take a version of the software built from a more reputable source without that backdoor instead. Thanks for the money!"

    "you want to force all foss projects existing in the global internet across countries to get paid by you or close? enjoy your logistic nightmare as you pay to be made fun of by all other countries while I fork projects with one click"

  • It's changing by having a library like wlroots do most of the work.

    When you consider the overall picture, "wlroots + compositor" is actually less complex than "X11 + window manager" because you no longer need to consider the insanely high requirements of having to have a team maintaining the spaghetti mess of X11 code.

    Wayland-based dwl has roughly the same line count as X11-based dwm (about 2.2k), without having to depend on a whole separate service as big as X11.

    But of course, it being a completely different approach, it's likely that for most smaller projects (ie. not Gnome or KDE) it's easier to start a new project than creating a layer to maintain two different parallel implementations.

    If you want something that's more or less compatible with openbox, there seems to be this project, labwc, which claims to be inspired by openbox and compatible with its config/themes.. though I haven't personally tried it.

    Also keep in mind that openbox (and I expect labwc too) doesn't include any "panels" / "taskbars" or anything like that... and it's likely your X11 panels might not work well if they do not explicitly support Wayland (but I believe that, for example, xfce-panel now supports both).

  • like how not being able to sign up for something with tor and monero is a privacy violation, it’s not.

    Note that "secrecy" and "privacy" are often understood in Security lingo as different things. One protects confidentiality, the other one protects anonymity.

    It's possible to have one and not the other...

    You can have a very private system through onion routing but have the contents of the messages exchanged be in plaintext, open to the public. Nobody will be able to know the one who wrote the message was you. But they can see the message. (then there is privacy, but not secrecy).

    Or you can have encrypted communications (say HTTPS) but not DNS over TLS/HTTPS, and/or no ECH, so people in the middle (eg. your ISP) can know exactly that the packages are sent by you and where you sent them, even if their content is encrypted (so you have secrecy, but not privacy).

  • Ferk@lemmy.mltoFirefox@lemmy.mlFirefox DYING is TERRIBLE for the Web
    2 years ago

    No it is not, this is a myth. As you also can use free software on closed OS, which happens to be the standard

    Why does it "happen to be the standard"?

    Because people use it. At the end of the day, usage is what determines what's standard.

    Whether a particular person can opt to go for something non-standard (eg. Linux) doesn't make what I said any less true.

    And the problem is that the non-standard person can't expect the same level of support (eg. Linux drivers for obscure hardware).. because devs and companies won't care so much for any deviations from what's standard.

    The point is that user generated or govt establish frameworks can b used as basis

    That would be useless if people (both end users and web developers) don't use it.

    The Mozilla Foundation created their own browser. Yet they are dying since they are getting abandoned by both web devs and end users. Creating your own does not solve the problem.

    If web devs design for Chrome and Chrome adds Chrome-specific deviations from the standard, it's gonna be extremelly hard to keep up, which is what is happening with Firefox.. they can't keep up, they keep receiving reports of problems because websites are developed for Chrome.

    This is already the case, you can choose not to use FLoC. Nothing changes here.

    Yes, In there I was just describing how things work. As I see it.

    Please learn the difference between Browser engine and web standards, nonsense you talk here

    Web standards are just a set of rules that hipothetically Browser engines follow.

    In practice, however, no browser engine actually follows the standard 100%, since they all have their very own extensions or try different optimizations that result in differences of implementation.. Google keeps adding their own spin on things at a pace that is hard to keep up for any other browser.

    If it were possible for web standards to be really, truly, and fully respected, then indeed it wouldn't matter what browser you use. But that's not what the reality is. There are websites that work and look different in Chrome than in Firefox.

  • Ferk@lemmy.mltoFirefox@lemmy.mlFirefox DYING is TERRIBLE for the Web
    2 years ago

    Nonsense video, underlying problem is monopolies and private companies who develop the standards, not what browser you use.

    It's the other way around. Which browser you use is what directly determines whether monopoly and private companies develop the standard you use.

    You could write a standard independently of those companies, but then if everyone chooses to use browser engines from companies that don't follow it, what's the point?

    If everyone uses a particular browser then whatever that browser implements becomes the standard. It's all about what browser you use.

    If the standards are fully open, transparent and not concerning then it would make no difference if you use chrome and firefox because everyone would use same basis.

    If what you want is everyone using the same basis, then what you need is to get everyone to use the same browser engine (which is what is happening already).

    However, focusing on that is likely to not result in it being "fully open" as long as the popular browsers are not interested in openness (in particular with a MIT-licensed basis that is allowed to be privately altered, extended and corrupted in proprietary forks by those popular browsers who don't have to be "transparent" on what exactly they changed).

    If what you want is for it to be "fully open", then you'd want people to be more careful and choose a browser with a "fully open" basis, instead of using whatever is more popular. It's still all about what browser you use.