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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 21st, 2023


  • when liberals say the communist oppressed lgbtq people thing they mean it as a criticism of communism in comparison to capitalism, as in "the ussr under stalin had bad lgbtq legislation therefore capitalism is a better system" this is a rejection of that criticism because how could this possibly indicate that capitalism is better when the failure of communist in this particular case is that they werent better capitalist like they were supposed to be.

  • kinda they export capital goods, their corporations behave in imperialist ways sometimes and im sure their capitalist would love to be an empire, however they are not part of or atleast not at the core of the global imperialist capitalist system that exists today they are a victim of it and of organizations like the imf and the world bank not the beneficiaries, and while they export capital goods they do so at about the same rate as brazil and south korea for example countries which no one would refer to as being part of the core. so no

    however russia is a settler colonial country and is imperialist in that way and while i get that the problems faced by indigenous people in russia are rather minor compared to countries like the usa or canada its kinda fucked up that most leftits wont even acknowledge this reality.

  • "but but but biden is so bad, trump must be better in foreign policy"

    so many of those brain dead biden is bad post around here lately that fail to undestand that less bad doesnt mean good and if the foreging policy is going to be the same cuz its run by the deep sate anyways u may as well vote for the regime that gives us a few public transport crumbs.

  • while u can make a case that what the european powers did in what is now the united states was continued by the usa its insane to say that it is the same event as what other or the same european powers did elsewhere some of these genocides are separated by centuries they were carried by different people often from different countries using different tactics for different reasons to completely different people who were not in contact with eachother and they often did this without even known what other colonizers were doing, the idea that what the european powers were doing was somehow cohesive is ridiculous.

    i think ur scale of time is way out of whack for this, for example the peoples of the caribbean had already been complety erased for decades before jamestown had been stablished let alone the colonies let alone an american national identity.

    And also the original meme about the united states not the entirety of the americas it was about what the united states did which israel and nazi germany copied.

  • yes 130 million in the americas not in what is now the usa the most populated areas where in central america and the Andes. even high estimates for what is now the usa and canada are at around 8 million the highest dont go above 13 million which is around the number of soviet civilians the nazis killed and much lower that the total number of civilians the nazis killed. and going even further most of those people died from diseases. by the time the usa became a country there were only 700k indegenous people in what is now the the contiguous us i think its fair to say the usa is responsible for the genocides that happened even before that but point is in terms of raw numbers there is no comparison.

    u say in terms of scale it was the most expansive but what scales are those.