Florian [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 28th, 2020

  • avignonnn's tweet

    Sarah Jeong thread

    The manual Jeong references in her thread, specifically this passage.

    I can't find any article that exactly matches the title, but it seems likely the link in the picture is referring to Ken Klippenstein's article for "The Nation".

    It's probably an exaggeration to say that shitposting and infighting cost the DHS millions of dollars while leaving them with only lists of twitter fights. I think a better analysis is that DHS completely misunderstood the situation from the start, and would have wasted months of time and millions of taxpayer dollars regardless of what we did in a vain attempt to prove their preconceptions right.

    The people in charge of these campaigns legitimately believe 'antifa' is a well disciplined organization receiving foreign aid that wants nothing more than chaos. It really wouldn't have mattered what protesters in Portland or twitter leftists did- the stupidity of DHS leadership and their disconnect from reality would have had them go all in on this doomed operation regardless.