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Usury is a sin, you're not wrong
So what happens if he just gets plastic surgery and gets fat while hiding in the spider hole he probably made for himself somewhere in Yonkers?
Lathe: Macron picks a new prime minister who will be there just to force this through like the last one forced through the last major law. Rinse and repeat for every market liberalization until Le Pen wins and the election is dissolved Romania style. 3rd French Empire time.
Glorious Alavistan, ran by some rich kid who went to school in Marseilles
Trump abandoned the kurds last time and literally prepped the abandonment of Afghanistan, he doesn't care.
Sidon is on the chopping block.
Drone swarms are going to hit industrial scale soon, we are still at the level of improvised armor carrier compared to ww2 panzer level crap that will come out eventually.
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