That is awesome to hear, thank you. Maybe it's not as bad as I heard! I still worry it might be a state by state thing. (edit: SNAP may be federal, but I'm on a state version of SNAP).
That is awesome to hear, thank you. Maybe it's not as bad as I heard! I still worry it might be a state by state thing. (edit: SNAP may be federal, but I'm on a state version of SNAP).
Farmer's markets are great because people with ebt get like double the value. Or 1/3? I forget. Anyway, it's good, so thanks. I'd still have to package it up and ship it to my friend, which I am totally willing to do, but still would LIKE to avoid if possible.
Just looked at the modlog and Puddinbrain was a wrecker?!? :deeper-sadness: they had some solid comments for months. Obviously I missed something.
SWIM used to buy a lot of drugs online, and SWIM always used the acronym LEO, just in case, to avoid any unwanted cyber attention. Are you really telling me that SWIM should have just been saying "cops" all along? The next thing you'll tell me that this someone who isn't me should just use the first person. Lunacy.
uh... first?
Edit: And since I have this profound pedestal of being thee first to comment on a popular thread, let me say that while it is sad that there will be no bulletin update today, SeventyTwoTrillion fucking rocks and I am vastly more informed as a result of the work he does. Hopefully he's not getting tired of all the justified gratitude.
Yes. That's the exact fucking opposite of the way we need to think of it. It needs to be thought of as a basic human right for survival and not a commodity to be misallocated by a "free market" that values profit over human life, life in general, let alone environmental sustainability. Preaching to the choir, I know, but this is how even otherwise well-meaning people poisoned by capitalist realism are going to be the death of us all.
This may be a bit of a nitpick, and I don't mean to detract from the topic at hand. But it might also be important to point out that saying alcohol is the only addiction that the withdrawal can be fatal is a bit misinformative. Any GABAergic drug can in very extreme circumstances cause life-threatening withdrawal. Alcohol is one example, but another prominent one is benzodiazepine (such as xanax, klonopin, even valium and countless RC's) withdrawal which causes seizures and "DTs" in a similar way to alcohol.
For the rest of you reading this thread, is OP a painfully stupid op trying to get people here to agree with this obvious bullshit and somehow incriminate themselves? Or is it just an even more cringey CHUD wrecker mistakenly thinking they're... I don't know, funny or clever or something?
omg. Awesome. thank you.
Ask him how you can help. He would know better than any of us what he needs and what someone like you might do that would benefit him. Whatever though, helping him out and talking with him is doing real, genuine praxis, so thank you for doing that. Money always helps of course. The more you can give without hurting yourself, the better. It fucking sucks that that's how it is, but 99.9% of the time, the thing that's lacking in the life of a desperate person is money, seeing as it is the sole means of survival in hellworld. But if you don't have enough of it to give without hurting your own material circumstance, just listening and treating desperate people like the fellow comrades that they are goes a long way.
what's the easiest and best way to upload a short audio/music file that I could share here?
Wait, really?? Then again, so was Mussolini. I think "opportunist" might be the overriding term.
It's only going to get more fucked up from here on out. That's my highly specific prediction for the future. "YoU AiN'T sEeN nOtHiN' yEt!"
"Inside small things there's something smaller that wants to burst out. Outside a big thing there's something bigger that wants to keep it prisoner." --Line from Lila in the show 'My Brilliant Friend'
Just started watching this show again (watched the first season a few years ago) and really liked that line. Thought I'd share it. Seems vaguely dialectical, if a bit dark at the end.
My friend is in rehab. He tried to call me before going in, but I am really fucked up myself and had passed out drinking when he called. So I missed his calls. And now he has no phone access in rehab and thinks I just blew him off in his most desperate time. Can hear the hurt in his voice in the last voicemail he left me. Gah. Fucking guilt. But fuck my bs guilt, he's the one going through the ringer. He's doing what's right and I let him down. So what do I do? Drink more vodka. And pet my cat. I can talk to him on Saturday at least though. If he calls me, anyway, but maybe he thinks I don't give a shit now. (He would be mistaken if so, but would be totally understandable if that's what he thought.) He's a much better person than I am, btw, and much more well known here. I keep trying to do well by comrades, but let them down.
Solidarity!! That's fucking awesome. I don't expect there's much random people can do to help, but if so, let us know.
I agree fullheartedly. First 4 made me think TV was still an artistic medium. But the subsequent butchering from 5 onwards.... ugh.
Awesome! I did use my ebt card in another state a couple years ago with no problem, but I was actually there and present in that other state. This would be sending food to a state I don't live in and will likely never visit, while I also use the same card to get food for myself at the opposite end of this shitstained country.