• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Allow me to clarify.

    C has for, while, and do-while. That's it.

    Ruby has for, while, do-while, until, rescue, inlined conditionals, optionals, and iterators, for what amounts to the same task; not to mention exceptions (something the C standard has repeated swerved away from, wisely) and lambdas.

    I'm not saying that there isn't a time for Ruby, but if you think C falls into the same category then we're very much in disagreement.

  • I'm hacking together a demo game, and I can save enormous amounts of animation time if I can simply use an armature in the middle of my otherwise JRPG-like game. That way i don't have to worry about individual frames, and can almost go directly from Krita/Blender to Godot.

    Scene tiles allow me to do that.

    Later on, I can try replacing these with animated tiles selectively, if overhead becomes an issue.

    I'll post a link when things start coming together!

  • OK, I seem to have figured it out. It was me.

    I created a second scene, which had a Node2D root. Its children were, in order, a TextureRect2D set to a noise texture (just to test this as I work), a SubViewport with with a MeshInstance3D torus and a Camera3D as children, and then finally a TextureRect2D with a ViewportTexture, set to that SubViewport. The camera was of course aligned to look straight down at the MeshInstance3D.

    The viewport's transparent_bg was toggled to on, and I can see the TextureRect2D right beneath it. Importing it as a scene tile worked fine, I can see the grassy green underneath the tile now.

    It seems likely that I may have messed up my blending mode somewhere in the old one, which is fine; apparently I don't really need to worry much about that.

  • You know what this reminds me of? The processing failure that killed Phobos 2 right before it reached Mars.

    As I recall, the craft lost attitude control and didn't have a safe mood to orient it toward the sun; so it burned through its batteries making adjustments in a few hours. It had two landing probes on board that never got to be used. So, no emergency backup systems. Never heard from it again.

    Of course this was 1989, and most people only had a vague idea what programmers did; but it still feels like a serious and kind of nebulous oversight.