NO he's hidden with his FRAUDULENT purple hearts unlike our HERO fighter pilot PRESIDENT GEORGE W BUSH. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT GO TO FRANCE.
NO he's hidden with his FRAUDULENT purple hearts unlike our HERO fighter pilot PRESIDENT GEORGE W BUSH. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT GO TO FRANCE.
DAE have upper Midwestern cheese lust?
It turns out you can radically decrease poverty if you control the definition of poverty!
Hey, those kids wouldn't even have a house or food if they weren't enslaved by Nike. Why do you hate the global poor?
Socialist Rifle Association
Yeah. I haven't actually done any study since college.
Это кошки в колодилнике
Maybe? I don't know recent laws up there, but they're semi auto and rifle shaped. And i know some stuff just got passed that might restrict that.
That sucks. But lots of land to shoot on, so that's nice.
The hi point carbines are shockingly not bad, and beretta makes a 9mm carbine that's really hard to find.
But for learning, nothing beats a ruger 10/22. If you want a rifle, that or an AR.
Sorry ma'am. I'll get right on keeping the USPS afloat.
Only good pick is Dershowitz tbqh
SRA is good, folks. Check to see if there's a chapter near you.
Yes Mr ATF I'll mail that right to you
I'd let him play tennis with me if you catch my meaning
If i can find brass it's not too terrible. Most stuff is like .80/rd if it's for a reasonable bullet. Not like 7.62x45 where you have to make it out of carcano brass.
I'm a good boy and share my toys. Plus a lot of them are weird 80 year old bolt guns that shoot ammo nobody but the Serbs make anymore.
I've already got like 30 and just bought one last week, but if you say so I'll go get that 92X that's been calling to me.
Alice has the best Twitter.