Do you think anti smoking campaigns are a good idea?
Do you think anti smoking campaigns are a good idea?
Are you saying i'm a nazi because i think the Soviet state did not help alleviate a famine when it could have.
This is your brain on Stalinism.
Hey why are you angry i punched you, i stopped right?
What a ridiculous perspective.
He didn't have the same principles when it came to famines in Ukraine, spineless opportunist, enemy of the revolution.
I got installed the game, when i start it steam opens up and give a "no license" prompt
I forgot to tick a box that copies the crack install dir
Thank you for sharing
Waar zei ik dat Rutte persoonlijk verantwoordelijk is voor alle privatiseringen?
Groei of krimp, alles wordt toch alleen maar duurder
Het is een schijnconstructie om winstoogmerk het OV te laten beheren.
The magic hand of the free market will solve everything ~ Mark Rutte waarschijnlijk
Berlin has the Karl Marx allee