It was a fake brownie point for libs. All this last acts (like the Cuba one) are done to be easily reversable and to make Biden "look good".
It was a fake brownie point for libs. All this last acts (like the Cuba one) are done to be easily reversable and to make Biden "look good".
You are not getting your "gotcha". The democrats are the "good cops" to the republican "bad cops", the republicans enact more oppressive streams of the empire and the democrats follow after to clam dissent and de-energize social movements - that is their function.
I am lactose intolerant and I dont really get bloated from Margherita - Quattro formaggi is another thing ahaha. But since I was basically forced to eat lactose heavy foods since infancy I cant really say that it can be extrapolated to a chinese audience.
And I was born near a US military base. Like the woods in my village were fenced off because it was a testing ground for US Landmines.
Yes when Alaric invaded Italia, the romans put to death the wives and children of the germanic peoples living and serving in the roman army, despite Rome even being defended by Stilicho, a surprise that suddenly the invaders found themselves with large stream of roman-germanic veterans willing to join their armies.
A lot of south american countries have defacto claims to Antarctica - Uruguay, Brazil, Peru and some others.
They have been conditioned to do so. Panama is the heart of us colonialism in central america. It was created as a sovereign state by the want of US politicans.
Its not like he can run again legally - so why should he care?
Like many euro nationalist they believe that Trump is somehow an anti-imperialist force aligned with their interest.
Yup she lost by millions of vote, unlike Hillary. There are not that many socialists to make even a dent in that. If we look at voting patterns for third parties its like around 200k-500k max americans that are socialists.
Like do people not realize that they are responsible for this? Neither Biden nor Obama did anything to not cause the reaction that is happening now. It is not the lefts responsibility to give victory to the democratic party. It is not comparable to the Popular Fronts of the past, even forgetting the fervent democrat support for the genocide of Palestinians.
I am once again saying that this is the afrikaner version of the nazi salute not him doing it with plausible deniability.
Not its a salute honoring the afrikaner heritage of south africa!!
Its the south african boer version of the nazi salute
Libs really think one needs to go to college and become a lawyer to run a country.
Why do they think that Trump will not do whatever? Like they parrot that he has no integrity, so of course he would do the easy brownie points.
no rent cap is literally stasi no banana vuvzela iphone big spoon loldomor stalinium 1984 north korea necromancy!11!1
Its worse when its a pyramid scheme like the sims 4 with its 90+ dlcs half of which are recolours of the same three shelves. You could buy a car with the money spend on that ish.