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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I guess thanks for this, everyone else seems to be funny about it but I honestly don't understand this place, maybe I'm too new to it and am missing alot of context.

    Still don't understand the rudeness in all of this tho, but then again maybe I shouldn't discuss anything if I don't understand the context I guess.

    It is funny to see all the pigshit on balls. Not the most impressive insult, if it even is one, but made me chuckle.

  • This comment is not just for you, I think. But I've read so much stuff here wtf.

    I am Dutch, as someone pointed out. Born here, had no say in it either. Also not completely Dutch either. Doesn't mean I'm white necessarily. And also not a supremacist. Could be true, won't matter.

    Definitely not a fascist. But hey, can't blame you if that's the label you want to give me, and it gives you a positive feeling. Maybe even superior, who am I to assume.

    I blame capitalism for many of the worse things people have to endure, and I am lucky to be born into a life in the working class, so to say. Working until I die I guess.

    All I see here is people trying to validate hatred and blaming someone else for it. Grow up for crying out loud, and do something about it. It's not like most of anyone here have better things to do right? Or is this also wrong to say? Probably.

    Instead of calling me out on whatever it is I am to you, I would like to see someone actually come with a solution or opinion that doesn't make me personally the/a villain instantly. Why not educate me, if many here are so good with words?

    Don't think for a second that I am what you assume because of a comment on the internet. Let's see who can be the human being that actually wants to solve anything instead of blaming each other.

  • Yes water is a basic human need. So it's most important. However, real free cannot exist. In the Netherlands, a country that is quite social, water is not free. We have some of the purest tapwater the world knows. People work for that, big systems have to purify that water and in turn need to be maintained. It's expensive. I don't mind paying for water if it gets me the best quality water in the world, from my tap. It's not expensive, in fact it's cheap. If this becomes free to me, I think that quality wil suffer.

    Then again. I live in a country that values human life and doesn't slave away for capitalism completely.