Reader, writer, erstwhile IT guy, gardeners and firearms enthusiast. Acquiring and sharing the information and skills we need to navigate these trying times.
CounterSocial: @MHSJenkins
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Fixed, and thank you. Not entirely sure how that happened as I posted the same link again and it works now.
As a Mint user who just starting test-driving Arch: once you get through the installation the switch isn't at all difficult. Now,t hat having been said, the installation can have some frustrating moments depending on how you go about it.
Ah, thank you!
Just figured out how to run it with root privileges, so the big thing is down. Thank you for responding!
And stolt!
As the FedGov always does!
Hardening my home desktop and network, setting up some Kiwix/Xowa type offline internet resources.
I'm really glad that you're enjoying Linux, and I'm doubly glad that your hospital found a solution to keep their system running smoothly!