Level 33 C++ sourcerer. https://about.me/marek.knapek
The interview starts ... the interviewer asks me "Tell me about yourself." ... I respond "Did you receive my CV? I put all important details about me ... right there. What questions do you have about my past jobs?" The interviewer encourages me again to tell him about myself, my past projects, etc. ... Me: Awkward silence. ... Me to myself: Dafuq? Should I read the CV from top to bottom OR WHAT?
std::vector::reserve + std::vector::push_back in loop is sub-optimal, because push_back needs to check for re-allocation, but that never comes.
std::vector::resize + std::vector::operator[] in loop is also sub-optimal, because resize default-initializes all elements only to be overwritten soon anyway.
This article's author suggests push_back_unchecked.
I suggest std::vector::insert with pair of random access iterators with custom dereference operator that does the "transform element" or "generate element" functionality. The standard will have resize_and_overwrite hopefully soon.
Moar discussion:
So what happened:
Am I right?
I'm old-school developer/programmer and it seems that web is peace of sheet. Basic security stuff violated:
Am I right? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Again, web is peace of sheet. This would never happen in desktop/server application. Any of the bullet points above would prevent this from happening. Even if the previous bullet point failed to do its job. Am I too naïve? Maybe.
Doesn't depend on programming language but something with visual debugger. You know that stuff when you can see current line of your source code highlighted, press a key to step into, step over and so on. You can see values inside your variables. You can also change your variables mid-run right form the debugger.
Because you spend 20% of your time writing bugs and the other 80% debugging them. At least make it pleasant experience (no printf-style debugging).
Back in the day I was using Turbo Pascal, Delphi, Visual Basic, C#, Java, PHP with Zend, Java Script, today I'm using Visual C++.