Melody Fwygon

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023

  • I firmly think this would be a boon for many people; owning one of these is likely a lifeline that even small town physicians could utilize to dispense drugs freely or cheaply to patients in need.

    This is something that I think small-town pharmacies could use to create compounds in cases of drug shortages. I think tools and programs and small labs like what are discussed in the article are a positive force for good; and that they should be not only allowed, but encouraged, for many drugs that are expensive, unavailable to someone in need and can be readily synthesized safely with a basic college level of chemistry training by someone in a pharmacy.

    I think the potential risks and downsides are small right now; and I think more of it should be encouraged gently so that we can find out quickly what the flaws and limitations are so that we can put regulatory guardrails around it so that people do not harm themselves.

  • In aggregate; 5 instances, less than 5 communities, and more than 69, nice, blocked users.

    I don't mess around. I don't hesitate to block people who argue needlessly, make my experience less informational or less entertaining, troll, or disregard arguments made in foundational logic to push a point of view or 'win the argument'. Similarly my instance ignores downvotes and does not display them; as with most platforms which behave similarly to reddit; they simply do not work outside of your personal, local account, local instance, user-sorting context.

  • Typically, using your own VPN should suffice. Depending on your situation you can do other things as well. If you are unable to download these tools on the school network in question; do not attempt to do so again. Use a public or other network connection elsewhere to obtain the tools you need to bypass their crap.

    For example, NextDNS could be helpful. By running their client app; ( ) you can make sure all your DNS requests are encrypted. Similarly you could simply set up a local DNS server that you point Windows at which can redirect those requests over DNS-Over-(HTTPS or TLS) to a DNS provider of your choosing.

  • She's such a narcissist that she couldn't stay out of the spotlight. lol.

    Regardless; I doubt that any game she could develop would be any good; and I shudder to think of what deranged DRM scheme she will cook up to protect her own game. It'll probably be worse than Denuvo, knowing how unstable she is.

    Genuinely, the scene is better without her hate filled screeds polluting the web. Her abilities might be appreciated more if she got some mental help and she could rejoin the scene as a positive force; not someone who lets their ego run rampant and spews hate at the slightest provocation.

    Unfortunately the scene is too cowardly to NUKE her output into obscurity until she cleans her spew up.

  • The problem with PPA wasn't anything to do with the method it uses. Given enough announcement, discourse and investigation by the community; it's entirely possible that users in general would have accepted it.

    However; Mozilla did something very wrong by deploying this without asking the greater community. Point blank. That's not good faith; and that did not allow for the community to go over the code and suggest fixes and express their concerns with how it works.

    Instead Mozilla took the lead and decided it will exist; quietly. Without consulting the community. Given that this is how most companies turn selfish, that alarms MANY people who are knowledgeable about how Mozilla typically operates, and it undermines public trust in Mozilla.

  • Even if the punishment is largely symbolic and Google only pays a tiny (compared to it's massive size) fine; I'd still call that a significant win.

    • Google can be REQUIRED to give users A CHOICE of Search Engines.
    • Google can be FORBIDDEN from giving their OWN ENGINE an advantage in search results or advertising
    • Google can be FORCED to ALLOW THIRD PARTIES access to the SAME APIs used in Chrome and Chromium.
    • Google can be FORBIDDEN from BLOCKING THIRD PARTY FRONTENDS from using Google Search, Youtube and more.

  • I can already see how Advertisers AND Websites will collude and break this one.

    • Specifically placed ads; targeted at specific website pages which a majority of their target grouping will visit.
    • Generate an ad that will specifically reside on a page deep inside of the site; think 4+ clicks deep; which is intensely personalized to their target. 1
    • Ad will trigger; register "Impression" and be boxed up into Differential Privacy set by the DAP.
    • Since that's the only ad targeted for that specific page, any impression is an answer of 1 or 'True'.
    • Through microtargeting of these deep pages they can learn a lot about what people do online and could potentially break Differential Privacy.

    1 - In this example the URI being targeted could be something like* in such a way that when you visit is always recorded.

  • ...Assuming the flash drive isn't loaded to the gills with malware alongside of every game it offers to install...that sounds fair.

    But let's be real; No legitimate company stands a chance of doing this without getting sued into oblivion. Unfortunately that means the risk of getting viruses and malware with your purchase, likely ransomware or cryptominer droppers, is really high.

    ...but let's assume you're technical enough that you can disarm all the malware on the USB stick and clean the cruft out of it. Then; yeah...maybe you'll get your value's worth.

  • In Short, No.

    The Xperia phones are often horrendously locked down and don't provide bootloader unlocks all the time.

    I would definitely recommend a Pixel device if you're going to go De-Googling. That, or go select your desired ROM beforehand and buy whatever they support the best. You can find out if you look into Graphene or Calyx or Lineage as examples for which devices they support the best right now. Buy it unlocked, and unlock your bootloader.

  • What happens is what's intended.

    Everyone is going to do it; and it will cause companies, artists and creatives to step back and rethink a bit on how they monetize their creations responsibly. The ones that refuse to rethink and adapt will fail and flounder under the tiny handful of straw that Piracy adds to the load.

    That's a GOOD thing.

    What's unfortunate is that companies and people still think it's productive to worry and handwring over piracy as if it's killing someone; instead of being the thing you "don't fly too close to, lest your wax wings get melted off and you plummet to the ground."