• 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • MentallyExhausted@reddthat.comtomainI miss antiwar Bernie
    9 months ago

    Lol, you’re really mad at me for pointing out the obvious contradiction between calling the USSR peaceful and their imperialist behavior.

    Expunge me! Straight to the gulag!

    (Edit) Hello from the gulag! I’d respond to the other comments, but you cowards banned me. For the record, the USSR openly murdered the DPRA’s head of state and then installed a puppet. Such peace.

    (Edit 2) Tell me more about the self defense of colonized people! Reactionary ideologues simping for imperialist autocratic regimes is my favorite thing to shit on.

  • Both Newtonian and Einstein’s physics suggest a boulder pushed off a cliff will fall, as far as I know. The observable data is more intrinsically valuable than the theories using them.

    Fallibility isn’t something science shies away from. There’s nothing more exciting in the scientific community than when science is wrong about something.

    Philosophers grandiosely proclaiming that nothing is knowable is fine, but it’s not what put a man on the moon.

  • “All observed swans are white” is not incompatible with the unobserved existence of a black swan.

    Of course we aren’t omniscient and there’s a possibility of an anti-gravity anomaly stopping the boulder, but not standing under them is still the most rational response to the data we do have.