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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2021

    • Capitalists: Every bit as vile as the overt fascist, while gaining legitimacy by the system itself. The average person is oblivious to their evil.
    • Overt Fascists: They are racist, hateful people and they know it, and they revel in it. Extremely violent and impossible to control.
    • Fascist Collaborators: Are they racist? My sources say Yes. It's irrelevant though, because their career is in fascism.
    • Structural Defenders: They may not go as far as to push hate, but a severe anti-left bias shows their true loyalty.
    • Open Racists: Just your average conservative fascist who makes life hell for anyone who doesn't look like them.
    • Liberals: They often think that they're the heroes of the story, but their actions always speak louder than words.
    • Socialists: Genuinely pushing for a better world but sometimes their unchecked fascism leads to the opposite.
    • Anti-Fascists: Fights against fascism at a root level, inside, systematically and, when needed, on the streets.
    • Communists: Fascism as a concept is so alien to them that you have to explain to them what it even is.

  • Omega_Haxors@lemmy.mltochatAre teens today worse and more annoying?
    9 months ago

    That's not what the ban log said. I'd be fine if that was the reason because it's not a moment of my life I was proud of, but it wasn't. I don't mind getting clapped for bad behavior, but it felt more like I was getting taken off as retaliation over a disagreement which is where I have a problem. Which I would also be alright with if it was stated that was the reason, it wasn't. Instead I got labelled a "reactionary" you can see how that would be extremely hurtful, especially with how there's absolutely no means of appeal outside ban evasion.

    And to clarify I don't want anyone to KYS and have a deep disdain for anyone who holds that line of thinking.

  • Omega_Haxors@lemmy.mltochatAre teens today worse and more annoying?
    9 months ago

    I wasn't doing any of that. Worst I did was get into clashes with people because i'm uncompromising and expect better of people here.

    Seeing that shit was on par with the feeling you get when nazis run their mouth about how you're a racist because you called someone a cracker. You can't do anything about it because they took your ability to defend yourself away so they're free to damage your reputation.

  • It's not really rapid advancement, a lot of it is smoke and mirrors. A lot of execs are about to learn that the hard way after they fire their entire workforce thinking they're no longer needed. Corporations are marketing language models (Like ChatGPT, which is glorified text suggestions on full autopilot) as being way bigger than they actually are. I thought it would have been obvious after how they hyped up NFTs and Web3.

    Now there IS potential for even a language model to become bigger than the sum of its parts, but once capitalists started feeding its garbage outputs straight into their 'make money' machine it's resulted in the reference material for these predictors being garbage as well, any hope of that becoming a reality was dashed. In a socialist future, a successor to ChatGPT would have eventually achieved sapience (no joke, the underlying technology is literally a brain) but because we live in a wasteland of a system, any future attempts are going to result in absolutely useless outputs as garbage data continues to bioaccumulate uncontrollably.

  • In Orwell's tattle list of enemies of the Bri'ish state, he routinely makes special note of ethnicity in a way that is blatantly racist if not flat out writing "Jew" or "Black" as the reason for being on the list.. And that's after he edited the list for some undisclosed reason. The Orwell family refuses to release the original draft despite overwhelming pressure. Anyone want to take guesses at why?

  • As someone whose done a lot of bad in their life, morality is about survival and not having to spend the latter half of your life in constant regret over every time you let your core values slip and gotten someone hurt because of it. Doing bad things puts you in company of people who do bad things, and often put your life in jeopardy. Standing up for what you believe in regardless of the consequences is the right thing to do, even though it might really hurt at times. I don't use an external source of morality, but rather consider the impacts of my actions. If you can't justify why you should or shouldn't do something you need to look into why that's the case and be ready for an answer you don't want to hear. That's how you grow.

    Ultimately, you should decide a set of core beliefs and CONSTANTLY challenge them for contradictions. You're going to be wrong on some of them, last thing you need is to deathspiral into a world that doesn't make sense just to protect something that never really applied to you anyway. My advice is not to hurt people because hurt people hurt people and by proximity, it's going to be you.

    In summary there's not really "right" or "wrong" so much as "does this contradict with who I am as a person"